1: Mountain

83 5 4

The Holy Bible, New Testament, King James Version (KJV), Matthew, Chapter 5

1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:

When one reaches the core knowledge

He attains completeness, no falling from edge

He becomes smartest, no fear of death,

All-powerful, of strongest faith,

He feels at the mountain top

All sins afar stop

Knows it's here that he should be.

People throng like honey-bee

By the tremendous attraction of personality

The deep ocean eyes for all to see.

Not the person who takes God's name

But the one who goes out of frame

To take the next challenge is in God.

To his zeal He gives the nod.

The multitude didn't cower Jesus down.

Composed, the Wise shown

the next step, gathering His faculties

Distributed His knowledge, his abilities.

God comes, taking some great souls together,

Chief-ambassadors, from the aether

To join in His divine play,

Making multitudes to them sway.

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