A kindness project.

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A speech against discrimination.

There is a specific quote which I find myself to be particularly fond of; Mahatma Gandhi once said “Be that change you wish to see in the world”. Those beautiful words have inspired me. It inspired me to act according to what I think is right, kind and fair.

There is a word which, colloquially, was given a wrong connotation. People tend to use the word “rare” as an insult. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with being different from everybody else. You don’t have to feel ashamed if you are not like the majority. A wise person once  said “We are like a snowflake. All different in our own beautiful way”. Sometimes, people alienate others because he/she is not like them, and this is not kind nor noble. This thought of isolating leads to a problem which I am deeply concerned of: discrimination.  This hideous problem is expanding each time more and more. I find myself writing this as a way to express my disgust towards this problem which is spreading like a never ending tsunami.  This issue is able to reach every aspect of human’s life, haunting people up to the point where they are scared of showing their true self.

I cannot understand how, for certain people, their happiness depend on other’s sadness. There is a quote that says “The only person you have to be better than is the person you were yesterday”. I find this quote to be beyond appealing; I disagree with the fact of some individuals needing to assure themselves they are better than others. In what way is that going to assure their happiness? How on earth can they be happy when they are causing so much pain? This makes me reminisce on a group of words Paulo Coelho said, “In order to have faith in your own path, we don’t need to prove that someone else’s path is wrong”. This is exactly what needs to be understood. People can’t go around tearing other people down. Because someone has not the same interest you do, does not allow you to laugh at them or treat them as inferior or worthless, because they are not inferior nor worthless.

Some  individuals in this world are lacking something, and this is empathy. They have to try to place themselves in other people’s shoes. They wouldn’t like to be mortified every single day. But, this is something which many people doesn’t seem to understand or just pretend not to. 

I have realised how, sometimes in schools, all around the world, some kids and teenagers tend to be cruel. There is a huge number of bullying in so many aspects of people’s lives, not only in schools. This is unacceptable. This is, surely, a form of discrimination. I cannot understand why so many people treat others like inferior. So, this serious and horrible issue, discrimination, is starting at the same time kids start to learn how to read and write. In some occasions, people go through this pain their whole life. And, in some cases, this leads people to a deep depression where some end with their lives because they don’t find themselves able to struggle with this anymore.

There’s no right people have to end up this way. There’s no need to be so egocentric and some need to realise there are other human beings in the world apart from them that don’t not deserve to be treated that way. Some kids, instead of playing happily in the playground and living their childhood the way they are supposed to are being treated in unacceptable ways by other infants.

In school, regrettably,  kids tend to discriminate because of external looks such as weight, height, hair colour, skin colour. All these does not matter, what really matters is how the person is on the inside. Ronald Dahl once said “If you have good thoughts they will shine out your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely”. I find this to be an outstanding quote. There is nothing like being a kind person. There is no need for judging people because of their race, religion, economic situation, face, body or because of who they love , among other aspects.  There is another quote which I love; this was said by Mark Twain “Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see”. Each time I read this quote it gives me the exact same feeling; kindness and love is all that matters. This quote makes me smile every time I go through this beautiful words. And the message it conveys has to be spread across the entire world. No one deserves to be hurt. Everyone has the chance to live peacefully and happily, and there’s no right to take this chance away from them. At the same time I am putting my thoughts into this words, discrimination continues and many doors are being shut. This cannot continue this way. I don’t want to feel impotent anymore, I want to be sure that everyone is treated the way they should be. Individuals being discriminated become locked in a dark room full of nightmares, fear, unhappiness, grief, sadness, uncertainty; when all they want is someone who embraces and cares for them.

Everybody has the right to be loved. Every single individual needs to know someone is going to be there for them and that, if they disappear of this world, someone is going to miss them. Because, a thought that often crosses this people’s mind is how the people would not notice and would not care if they’re not here anymore. And that is not true, at all. So, this is one of the immense evidence that leads to a reason why people need to express love and support. Because every person is  equally important, everyone has the same rights. And every individual is in need of love.  There is nothing more precious than being accepted and loved, unconditionally. Everyone has the right to feel protected, to feel that, at the end of the day, there is someone waiting for them at home saving them a place in their warm heart.

There is a sensible statement made by Camille Pisssarro; “Blessed are the ones who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing”. I feel like this words are perfect applied to human beings  reflecting the ideas written throughout this pages: There is beauty in every person, we just have to allow ourselves to see it. 

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