My Mute Friend♥

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 I am woken up by the obnoxious sound of my alarm, it was Monday again. I would tell you about how much I hate Monday, but that would take all day. I push my comfortable, warm blankets off my body and stand up, already missing my bed. I make my way to the bathroom to get ready for the upcoming day at school. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth, then pick out the clothes I’m going to wear. I decide on a turquoise knitted sweater, because it’s my favorite color and light blue jeans, I never forget to wear my favorite pair of earrings. My morning routines on Mondays are always sluggish. When I’m all dressed I go downstairs to greet my mom who is already eating breakfast – without me!

“Good Morning Sweetie” My mother greets me as I take a seat in front of the food, which I am dying to eat. It’s my favorite, scrambled eggs, mini pancakes, and bacon. I quickly greet and thank my mom before devouring my food. My mom usually works from home while my dad leaves for work really early in the morning. After I finish eating I put on my boots and grab my book bag and keys and walk to the bus stop, but not before giving my mom a quick kiss on the cheek and saying bye. It’s only about a five minute walk but I would prefer to drive to school. I’m sixteen and I still don’t have a car yet! I’ve already gotten my driver’s license, the only problem is the actual car. I really hate the bus, but that’s the only other way I can get to school right now.  Before I go on, let me introduce myself. My name is Elena Ann Johnson, but most people call me Elle. I live in a small town in Georgia and have fair skin, dark brown eyes, and wavy hair that comes a little bit past my shoulder blades. Last time I checked I was around 5’4 or 5’5. My most noticeable feature are my dimples that appear when I smile.  I’m a high school student in the tenth grade, I’m also a pretty social person with good grades.

When I finally get to the bus stop I see some people I know, including my ex best friend. Her name is Racheal Rivera who is a beautiful Mexican girl, with long, flowing black hair and light brown eyes. The only ugly thing about her was her personality. She’s that one girl in school who’s always starting nasty rumors about people and talks about anyone and everyone behind their back. We were the best of friends, until one day she stopped talking to me. She ignored me in school and my texts and calls. Ever since then I promised myself that I would be friends with everyone – but not get close enough to anyone to call them a best friend. Since then I’ve also felt like I’m not good enough and that if I get close to someone they would leave. I wave to everyone except Racheal, even if I did she wouldn’t wave back. There hasn’t been a day when I’ve thought about what I could have done that cost our friendship. While I wait for the bus to come I talk with my friend Genesis, who is a sweet, South African girl that I sit next to on the bus. She’s the closest person I’ve had to a best friend since Racheal. When the bus arrives I step on and take my usual seat in the middle, where Genesis soon joins me. As soon as the bus starts to move again I pull out my cell phone to listen to a mix of pop songs, pop is my favorite genre of music. Whenever I listen to music the ride seems much shorter. When we get to school I hop off the bus and make my way to my locker to get my books for my first classes of the day. When I feel like I’m not missing anything, I head to first period which is homeroom while saying hi to people I know along the way. When I get to the classroom I take my seat in the second row and talk to the people near me. When the bell rings and class as officially began I turn around to give my attention to the teacher, Mrs. Clark, who walks into the class with a boy I haven’t seen before. He must be new.

“Good morning Class” Mrs. Clark starts. “I would like you to meet our new addition to the class, Cayden White” She smiles brightly as she introduces him. Cayden wasn’t bad looking, he had light brown skin, with curly, dark brown hair. He had pretty hazel eyes. He looks like the kind of guy that would have a nice smile, but at the moment his head was down. He must be shy. “But, I would like you all to know that Cayden is indeed mute and can’t talk. Please be nice and welcome him” Mrs. Clark pleads. I’ve never met anyone with a disability before, but that won’t stop me from trying to be his friend or at least get to know him. “Why don’t you take a seat to Elena” She points to me. Cayden makes over to the desk beside mine, but with his head down the whole way. I wonder if he’s just upset about moving schools, I mean, who wouldn’t be?

My Mute Friend♥Where stories live. Discover now