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Waves of happiness,

Sweep me from my feet,

I intend to bask in my own peace of mind,

I refuse to dance to your beat.

Sticks and stones may break bones,

but words can always hurt me,

Its been 107 days,

Surly there must be a tomorrow that I can paint as happy.

I’ll aim for the sun,

To take my mood to a new height,

I’ll aspire better for myself,

And to avoid over thinking and one sided fights.

I hope that for me there is a bigger picture,

A life with a selection of opportunities,

I hope it doesn’t include extensive doses of misery,

but a world that can finally be described as pure and ‘pretty’.

Faded will be the nebulous skies,

And the traces of addiction,

Sometime in the not-to-distant future,

Feelings of sadness will be mistaken for fiction.

I’m painting the previously blank canvas,

In all colours of the rainbow,

I’ve learnt by example,

And realised that I am no longer my own foe.

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