The Night Of The Comet

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Nobody has even thought of where and what has happened to Natalie Donovan, since her sister Vicki was rushed to hospital from the attack. Natalie was still lying unconscious in the woods since Damon Salvatore who's a vampire had attacked her. Natalie was lying on the forest floor, until somebody had came across her body. Stefan Salvatore was walking through the woods he had just finished his hunt; he was trying to collect his thoughts about what had happened last night. His brother Damon had returned and he had already made himself known to Stefan by attacking a teenage girl Vicki Donovan.  Alas he was waking he saw a girl lying on the forest floor .with blonde hair, Stefan rushed to her side.

"Clarissa!" He says he checks her pulse; it was faint, although he knew that it weren't Clarissa because she was gone.

"Natalie" Stefan says to her he tries shaking her body but there's no response, he had remembered when Caroline had introduced him to Natalie. Stefan had noticed something about her she seemed distant.

"Drink!" Stefan says as he bites his wrist he puts it to Natalie's face and he forces her to drink it. He picked her up bridal style he carried her back the Salvatore building house, Stefan used his vampire speed to take her there. When he arrived back where he used to call home, he went upstairs and laid her onto his bed. It were t too pong till Natalie had up her bite was now completely healed there was more blood in her checks.

Natalie’s P.O.V
I remember what happened last night, a figure coming out of the shadows and towards me. I turned on the spot and I started walking the other way, I could feel its presence following me. I started running but it was still coming after me, I tripped over a tree root. I scrimmaged to my feet but it was too late it was behind me. When I turned my head, seconds later I could fangs digging into my neck. I tried to scream but my body was too weak, the only thing I could manage to do was to let out a high pitched scream. My body was weak and heavy I was seeping and falling into the darkness. When I came back to consciousness, I opened my eyes to see that I was in somebody's bedroom, and in somebody's bed. I looked to my right to see Stefan Salvatore.

"Stefan?" I questioned him, what was I doing
"Stefan?" I questioned him, what I was doing on a bed in a bedroom which was not mine.

"Natalie, how are you feeling?" He asks me with concern looking at me. Wait did he find me and brought me to some place?

"Banged up!" I replied to him, I placed my hand to my neck when I felt sharp fangs digging into my neck. Although there was no blood, no cut and no holes.

"What the hell" I muttered confusedly of how it was all heeled up. I knew that I wasn't dreaming or hallucinating of the events which occurred last night.

"What do you remember?" He asks me although when I tell him it'll be pointless as he already knows what happened.

"A vampire attacked me" I say as I started herring up out of the bed, I watch him as he starts approaching me.

"Get away from me!" I screamed as I started to run away from him, I knocked down a photo. The frame and the glass shattered, I looked at the photo closely it was a picture of me. No it is not is done sky who looks exactly the same as me, the same face and expression.

"Who is this?! I say as I stop in my tracks, looking at him waiting for his response and his explanation of this. And what the picture is about.

"I can explain but I don't think you should know" Stefan says to me, I mentally groan, why doesn't he not tell me. He is hiding something and he's not telling me.

"Tell me" I demands tossed to him, it is the least I could deserve as of which had happened to me.

"I can make you forget everything" he offers to me I shook my head to him, what does he mean that he can make me forget.

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