Kissed by Chaos (31) - Battle Plans

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Chapter 31 - Battle Plans

Raafi finally paused to glance down at Claire to find her watching him quizzically. He chuckled softly to himself at the thought that Claire probably considered him to be senile. But he wasn’t going crazy, not really. It was just that finally, after waiting for such a long time, the universe had thrown a little luck his way. A single moment of clarity, washing over him with the cool breath of certainty. He was determined to make the most if it before it ran away without him.

“Raafi,” Claire began warily. “Where are you going?”

He picked up his pace again before replying, “I’m going to my father.”

If it was possible, the wariness in Claire’s voice doubled. “Why are you going to meet your father?”

“To discuss battle plans, of course!” he announced, his tone the most cheerful it had been since the beginning of today’s debacle.

Raafi soon realised that the soft padding of Claire’s footsteps could no longer be heard behind him. He turned around to find her staring at him, her mouth gaping open slightly.

“Come on, Claire,” he urged, and turned around to begin walking toward the throne room once again. The touch of a hand, its warmth penetrating through his sleeve, brought his attention back to Claire. The smile faded from his face as he considered her pale face seriously. “What’s wrong?”

A hand flew to her forehead as she looked around, as if the words she could not find would jump out at her. “You’re not… you’re not going to discuss battle plans with your father on the basis of that one rock… are you?” she murmured, staring up at him, anxiety paling her features.

He grinned at her doubtful expression. “That is exactly what I plan on doing.” Claire spluttered out fearful warnings behind him as he continued striding around with uncharacteristic boldness. “What if I saw it wrong? What if I’m not describing it adequately? I do not think His Majesty would be happy if-”

“Luck has not abandoned us just yet, Claire,” said Raafi, cutting her off as they reached the monstrous double doors to the throne room. The guards standing outside were visibly on edge, as if the all the tension contained in that throne room was emanating outside and into them. Regardless, they bowed respectfully at him and without any comment at Claire’s presence pushed open the doors to let them in.

The room was not as he had left it. The chaos had been replaced by strict organization, in all probability enforced by his father. Queen Zainab had left the room, as Queen Jamilah had. Besides Claire there were no women in the room. In their place were several bearded men, among them Sami and the other royal advisors as well as the burly commander of Mirzan’s army.

As Raafi and Claire stepped through, the guard cleared his throat and bellowed, “His Highness, Prince Raafi. And, er…” he turned around mid-announcement to glance at Claire.

“Miss Claire Browne,” Raafi filled in.

The guard nodded and continued. “His Highness Prince Raafi and Miss Claire Browne.”

Instantly, all eyes in the room flew to the doorway where Raafi stood with Claire. He felt her tense beside him as at least fifteen pairs of eyes pierced her. King Zahir stared at his son pointedly and it was only then that Raafi remembered it was up to him to speak. He did not know what had come over him. At the sight of his father and all his powerful companions, the feelings of empowerment had suddenly abandoned him. Only seconds ago, he had been bursting with confidence in his plan, sure that finally, God was allowing something to go his way.

“Gentlemen,” he began in a hoarse tone, unable to recognize his own voice. “Assalam walaikum. May I present to you the daughter of Mirzan’s trusted advisor whom I am sure you are all acquainted with – Susannah Browne. Of course, she would be here too, but disaster has struck her as it has struck King Hamza, and in turn, all of us. Susanna’s oldest daughter, Elisabeth, has also been kidnapped.” He paused to let the words sink in, hoping the men would make the connection between Elisabeth’s disappearance and Amira’s.

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