Chapter two

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Notebook. Check
Enough Bobby pins to grip a lions mane down. Check
Enough eyeliner to join The Black Parade. Check

I go through my school bag time after time just to make sure I have everything for tomorrow. It's not everyday it's your last year of high school is it? I will myself but theres no hope. You see, me and sleep aren't best friends... there is so many more interesting things I could be doing at this exact moment instead of sleeping. I'm currently seeing how quietly i can play a piano piece at 2:00 am.

You see, just over a year ago I hit headlines in the paper. Well not me personally but my Dad. As the newspapers quoted he'd always been a 'free spirit'. And its not that I dont agree, he is. Was. He was always the first to jump onto the newest fastest roller coaster without thinking but that's why I can't agree that he's gone. He was my best friend, every Sunday was our running day where we'd make the marathon of four miles. 

Tell me how someone fit enough to run miles daily could pass of pneumonia? The Goddamn man wouldn't even take a paracetamol for a headache. 

I decide I've had enough piano for the night and head to my bed wrapping the soft purple comforter around my body, one of the best things about sleeping is that I see my Dad. 

He promised he'd never leave. He kept his promise. 

He sat at his desk, glasses perched on the end of his hooked nose hiding his piercing blue eyes reading the book in his hands. "You know," he began "You still remind me of Scout, so strong and uncaring what the rest of the world believes." My Fathers eyes catch mine and I scan his face trying not to forget a single detail. Dark hair styled as if he'd just rolled out of bed, his light scattering of stubble flecking his strong jaw line. He placed the book, "To Kill A Mocking Bird", onto his desk. 

I looked  round momentarily to realise, this wasn't his room. I'd never been here. The ceiling was so far away, climbing higher and higher as if it was running from me. it felt eerie. my eyes flew back to my father who's perfect appearance had turned more rugged. 

"Izzy, listen to me." his eyes were wide, and no longer reminded me of the perfect calm sea, but instead of space, infinite, scary I felt as if he was no longer just across the desk, I felt the distance of death in between us. "I don't have long till they realise. You're not safe. Do not trust anyone I love you I know this must be scary but you have to-"

I woke up drenched in sweat and tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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