The King meets the Avengers

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Arthur just walked in the Helicarrier and found his teammate, Captain America, getting off a ship and walked over. "You must be the Captain." Arthur said. "Yes." Cap replied and held his hand out. "And you?" "Arthur Pendragon." Arthur said and shook Cap's hand. "What, the legend? Excalibur?" Cap asked. "Oh. I didn't know there's a legend." Arthur replied and pulled Excalibur from the sheath. "Ain't she a beauty." He resheathed Excalibur. "Ok. We need to keep moving." A feminine voice said. Arthur looked at the voice. "By the Lord. Who is this goddess?" Arthur asked looking at her. "Natasha Romanoff. I'm far from a goddess." Natasha said. "Nonsense. Only a goddess can be this beautiful."  Arthur said. "Flattery will get you nowhere." Natasha said. "Flattery?" Arthur asked. "Besides, your people saw you as a god, Pendragon." "I am not a god. Just a man raised by whores." Arthur said. "Ok. Must've had some good memories." Natasha said. "Well, they were all like mothers." "Never mind. Let's go." Natasha said, rolled her eyes, and led them away. Then they ran into a confused man. "Dr. Banner." Cap greeted. The confused man looked at them and walked over. "Yeah, hi." He said and shook Cap's hand. Then Arthur's. "They told me you'd be coming." "Word is, you can find the cube." Steve Rogers responded. "Is that the only word on me?" Bruce asked. "Only word I care about." Cap said. Bruce looked around and back at the two. "It must be strange for you, all this." He said. "Well, this is actually kind of familiar." Cap told him. "This is sorcery at its finest." Arthur said in awe of the vessel. "Gentlemen, you might wanna step inside in a minute." Natasha said. "Its going to get a little hard to breathe." They looked at the crew as they strapped everything down. "Is this a submarine?" Steve asked. "Really? They want me in a submerged, pressurized, metal container?" Bruce asked in amusement. "What is a submarine?" Arthur asked Steve. "It goes underwater with people in it." Steve explained. "Amazing." Arthur said as the three walked over to the ledge to look over the edge at the water. There is where they saw it. A turbine rising from the water. Then the ship rose up. It didn't sink. It flew. Steve and Arthur were amazed and Bruce had a mocking smile. "No, no, this is much worse." He said.

Then they followed Natasha through the interior to the command deck. Natasha looked back at them as all the S.H.I.E.L.D agents walked around doing their jobs. Steve and Arthur slowly walked as they looked at everything in awe and stopped as the helicarrier turned invisible. Nick Fury turned to the three heroes at the table. "Gentlemen." Fury greeted as Steve gave him $10 and walked to the front of the carrier. "Doctor, thank you for coming." Fury thanked as he shook Bruce's hand. "Thanks for asking nicely." Bruce responded sarcastically. "Thank you too, your highness." Fury shook Arthur's hand. "I'm hoping for a glorious battle." Arthur said with a grin. "Don't you worry." Fury replied. "So, how long am I staying?" Bruce asked. "Once we get our hand on the Tesseract, you're in the wind." Fury replied. "Where are you with that?" Bruce inquired. Nick gestured to Phil Coulson. "We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet." Phil said. "Cell phones, laptops... if its connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us." That's still not gonna find them in time." Natasha said. "You have to narrow your field." Bruce said. "How many spectrometers do you have access to?" "How many are there?" Nick asked. "Call every lab you know." Bruce said. "Tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking algorithm, basic cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places." Fury nodded. Arthur just looked confused. "Do you have somewhere for me to work?" Bruce asked. "Agent Romanoff, could you show Dr. Banner to his laboratory, please." Natasha walked out with Bruce following. "You're gonna love it, doc. We got all the toys." Natasha said. "What's a spectrometer?" Arthur asked Fury. "Tracking magic." Fury replied. Arthur nodded with a smile. "Why didn't you just say so?" He asked. His smile dropped. "Be serious. Is he with Loki?" Fury simply nodded. As Arthur growled. Steve looked at Arthur with curiosity. Wondering why he's here.

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