Scar's Reign Chapter 4 Sarafina's choice

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-Sarafina- (just so you know this means it is now in Sarafina's point of view)




It has been a few nights since Scar was made king, and the hyenas now have joined the pride.

I lay with my legs out to the side, and my head on the warm stone, that sun had been warming up all morning. I glance over to the place where Sarabi used to lye, this was our spot, a place we could come to talk alone. Sometimes Nannda, Dwala and Kioo would join us,  and at mid day when the day was at its hottest, we would bring the cubs to come and play in the shade of the trees, but now, its just me.

I lay here longer then I intend to, the heat making me feel sleepy, and I feel myself drifting off. just as I close my eyes I am suddenly awoken again. "mum?" I hear, when I open my eyes I see Nala siting below me, her face puzzled. "Nala dear what are you doing out here, I thought you were with the others?" i say, my voice sounding grouchy. i slowly sit up and look down at her from the rock "yeah but they want to play silly games" she says looking down wrinkling her nose. I laugh "come on then lets go find something to do" I jump off from the rock and begin back up that path that leads back to pride rock, Nala following, slightly bouncing as she trots behind me.  "so.. what are we going to do?" she says, as she runs in front of me. I look down at her "well, we could go to the water hole?" "ah, no the water hole is boring mom" she says lowing her head "well...-" "Sarafina?" I hear a voice from in front of us, which cuts me off. I look up to see Scar. he is walking down the path toward me and Nala with a large grin on his face. "hello your majesty" I say, bowing my head slowly "oh Sarafina there is no need for that, from you" he says.  his head is now over mine and he has  a smirk grin on his face. "did you want something?" i ask, stepping back slightly, raising my head up again "yes i did actually..but" he pauses and looks down at Nala. "in privet" I look down to Nala who is standing beside me. "mom?" she says nervously. "umm Nala, could you go back to pride rock" "but mom i-" "please" "alright" she says grimly and starts running back up the path. "what was it you wanted from me Scar?" I ask, forcing a smile on my face. "well... i was just wondering.." he says, as he begins to slowly talk past me "yes?" I ask "well, if you would join me..." "join you?" i ask. turning my head slightly in confusion.  "yes, as my queen..." my eyes widen and my mouth drops. I turn round to face him. "what? Me, a queen?" I say stepping back slowly "yes, my queen" Scar says, his grin, not a smirk anymore, but a genuine smile. "I don't know... I mean... I don't even know what, I... " i step back, and stare at the ground "please Sarafina I know you will make a great queen, with you by my said I can be the perfect king". He walks toward me,  lowering his face to mine. Why is he asking me this? I never thought Scar the loving or romantic type. I didn't even thing he had feelings for me in this way...  I mean sure we had one night together, it was good... but I didn't think it meant anything more. "Scar... its to much, I don't know the first thing about being a queen" I say finally. I lift my head slightly looking in to his eyes.  I see his face turn from a smile to sorrow. "you can learn" he says with slight urgency in his voice "no Scar... its not just that, I don't love you Scar... not enough to be your queen" i know these words will hurt him, but I cant lie. "I'm sorry..." I stare at his face for to long. I cant bear it any longer,  I turn and run back up the path. I stop at the top and look back, he is still standing there in the same position, the same expression.

I cant Take that Image out of my head, the one just before I ran and left him standing there. The pain in his eyes, making them seem hollow, like he had just seen something horrific happen before his eyes, and maybe to him it had.

I go back to find Nala, and find her siting at the bottom of pride rock watching the other cubs play. I walk up and sit by her, my tail brushing at her side. "you ok dear?" I ask "yeah" she sighs and looks up at me, a small smile creeps across her face. "why are you not playing with the others? playing silly games again" I lay down so I am at her level "no... I just... don't feel like playing with them right now" she says looking over to the cubs playing some kind of game that involves jumping over stones and leaves. I know there are more reasons she isn't in the mood for playing, first off, she was never a very social cub from birth. Second, her best friend had just died, not even a hole full moon ago yet. "well, I am going to see Sarabi, you wanna come or stay here?" I say as I walk towards the rocks to pride rock. "She isn't there" I stop and look back at Nala "what?" I ask tilting my head "she went out, think she said she was going to see... Fiki?" "oh Rafiki" "yeah" she says nodding her head. I walk back to her, and nuzzle her "I'll be back soon ok" "ok mom" she says. as I start running, I feel slightly worried, as Sarabi has hardly come out of the cave yet. I mean yes she has started eating again, but walking all the way to Rafiki by herself? what is he thinking?

When I finally get to Rafiki's tree, I am out of breath. I stop and look around, I don't see Sarabi anywhere. I suddenly think, maybe she got lost? or even worse she was attacked on the way here. "Rafiki!" I shout, but there is no reply. "hello? anyone there?" I call out again, but still no one answers. I huff and sit down next to the tree. I look out over the landscape, then I see a small figure in the distance. it looks like a lion. I hope its not a rouge lion, who knows what he might do. but as it gets closer, I see its Sarabi. "Sarabi!" I shout running towards her "Sarafina what are you doing out here?" she says with a shaky voice. She looks exhausted. "I might ask you the same question Sarabi, you are not well enough to be out here on your own" I say, my voice slightly raised with concern "oh I'm fine Sarafina, please don't-" but before she finishes her sentence she collapses "Sarabi!" I lower my head to hers "Sarabi are you ok?" she doesn't reply. I look around me, but there is no one who can help me, it's a desert out here. "Help!" i shout maybe someone further away may here. lets just hope its someone I can trust. "Anyone!" but there is no one. I look back down at Sarabi, If I don't do anything soon she will die in this heat, without water or shade, and in her condition. I gently hold the scruff of her neck, I drag her under Rafikis tree, least here there is some shade. "oh come on Sarabi" I whisper  to myself. I sit next to her, and mull over what I could do. I cant carry her all the way back to pride rock its to far, I would never make it, and I can't just leave her here. I kick the sand under my paw in frustration, watching it fly in to the air, then settle again. I look around me and just as I look to the left of me, out on the horizon I see a silo-wet. Its a lion, but not a big one, maybe its a lioness from the pride? no, it has a mane. I suddenly feel nervous, this could be a rouge lion, they can be dangerous and unpredictable. I have to make a decision one what to do. I could pull Sarabi round the other side of the tree and hope that the lion has not seen us yet, and that he will not find us. or, I can just go up to him and hope he is not dangerous, either that or I stay here and wait for him to approach us. What ever I chose, its probably not going to end well........

YAY! finally finished it guys! sorry took so long :L.. I was just really busy!

Well anyway I hope you enjoy it :)

Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar :L.. and if you want to leave a comment asking any questions about anything please do :)

Just so you know I am going to be swopping the points of view in the chapters, feel like it will give a better perspective on things :)

All characters belong to Disney.

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