Bonus Chapter - 1

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Aakash's pov:

I searched a lot of shops to select a greeting card but didn't like even one. So, I searched for few nice and sweet messages in Google to write on a card prepared by me. But it was also no use, I mean there were lot of messages but which looked nice for my eyes but didn't touch my heart.

*hmmm in that case you need to stop browsing your laptop and start searching for some nice situations in your life through your brain* my brain suggested me.

This time I decided to follow it's advice by closing my eyes and thinking about the moments Priya and I spend together. I started to remind all the moments from the day when Priya brought lemon juice instead of tea. After thinking continuously I remembered her brother's dialogue which was related to Jupiter.

*This would be perfect* my brain said clapping its hands and jumping excitedly.

I also smiled and took a card and drew some design on it so that it don't look so empty. As I wasn't experienced in this I wasted about 30 cards only for drawing the design in the right way.

*common..if you take this much time... you will be sixty when you propose your wife.*

*oh noo...*

I tried for 31st time and yeah it did work out. I smiled proudly at my achievement and wrote those magical words

"I love you so much that I am ready to travel to Jupiter for you without any astronaut suit"

I smiled and placed it in the envelop but then I got another thought and took another blank card and wrote

"I can do it only if you don't kick me while we are at Mars planet"

I could imagine Priya laughing reading the 2nd card. I placed both of them in the box and wrapped in red and white colored gift paper.

Priya's Pov:

Since the birth of Adil, Aakash started to take his responsibility well and use to divide the time for his work and rest of the time he used to spend with us. When he works in the morning he usually spend time with Adil during night..same way when he works in the night he try to spend sometime with Adil in the morning but Adil continues to cry until Aakash stop his work and hug him and sing a lullaby ignoring whether its morning or evening.

*yeah..that's right. These days Aakash isn't even getting proper sleep* my brain said angrily.

*hey..don't speak to me in a rude you know I did sing a melodious song for my son to make him sleep*

*if it was really that melodious then why did Adil cry more?*

I was embarrassed listening to that. I know my voice really sound worse when I sing but I did try to stop Adil's crying. Which kind of succeeded for few seconds but after that he used to cry more.

*he was actually scared when he heard your voice, that's why he took a moment to look at you and then started crying as he knows his father will definitely come near him*

*hmm. Anyway that's a good news right? I will also get chance to listen to a story and a lullaby before I sleep?*

*hmm..looks like the child in you is still there jumping whenever she gets a chance to listen to a story or lullaby.*

I smiled and decided to change the topic.

*don't you dare change the topic* my brain said in warning tone but did change the topic unconsciously.

*what did you decide about it?* my brain asked me that it actually interrogated me about the proposal I decided for Aakash.

*common answer me* it said tapping its foot impatiently.

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