Chapter 26

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Rocky's P.O.V

I could probably help. But Ryder won't let me. And I have no way of getting down there. Suddenly everything went white and I heard voices. 

"You all get one!" Ryder called, followed by joyed howls. Then the Air Patroller came into view and Chase and Skye each jumped into a backpack and got launched out of the Air Patroller, followed by Zuma and Rubble, then Marshall and I. 

My eyes opened and I shook off the whiteness in my vision. If that was correct there is a new pup pack on here... The only problem is I don't know how to use it...

I needed to figure this out before people started loading into the Patroller to lifted to safety. I followed the memory's guide and ended up in the back of the Air Patroller. It looked vaguely familiar. An idea popped into my head as I spun to Robo-Dog who was piloting the Patroller. 

"Hey, Robo-Dog, can you help me get my pup pack?" I asked casually, hoping he wasn't programmed to keep me here. He barked at me, pushing a button and conveyor belt zip-line thing spun around with a green pup pack attached. I jumped up in instinct as it came towards me tightening at my waist. I shut my eyes tightly as I was shot out of the back of the Air Patroller. The lead holding me released and I flew forwards, well... How does it work? I fell slightly, but opened my eyes when the wind stopped pushing my fur. It had worked without command. It took a few minutes for me to figure out the steering and stuff, but I had it memorized quickly. I wasn't wearing the cool flight suits everyone else who was flying was wearing, just my grey fur and the green backpack. 

"Uh, Wocky, what awe you doing?" I looked down to see Zuma below me in his hover craft.

"Coming to help," I explained quickly, I half expected him to tell me to go  back to the Air Patroller, but to my surprise he didn't.

"Okay, cool, just... don't get noticed by anyone else." I nodded quickly. "You can help me get people back to the beach. Ryder told me to get the kids." I nodded. We got to the quickly sinking cruise ship, a line of kids waiting to go. 

"Buoy!" Zuma barked out, a kid sat in the buoy, and three sat behind Zuma. 

"Pincers" I called out. I gripped a boy's shirt with the pincers and another with my teeth. We quickly escorted them to the beach and explained that they should wait for their parents. We made a few more runs, after five trips, all the kids were safely on the beach. Parents had started collecting their kids and heading home. 

"Wet's do another look awound," Zuma suggested. I nodded quickly, following behind him. I hadn't see anyone since the line up this morning. 

Ryder's P.O.V

"There you go," I let the girl's hand go as I placed her on Mick's barge.

"Ryder! Ryder!" Skye yipped into my headset. 

"What is it, Skye?" I asked. 

"I went to check on Rocky, like you asked, but he's gone!" 

"He's gone?" I wasn't too surprised, worried yes, but surprised not really. I expected him to do this, that's why I wanted to leave him with someone. 

"What are we gonna do, Ryder?"

"First priority is the ship wreck, we'll worry about Rocky once everyone's safe." I explained calmly to Skye. She hummed out a reply and ended the call. Oh Rocky, why now of all times? I shook my head slightly at Rocky's attitude. He's still the same old determined Rocky, memory loss or not. I continued searching the ship, pretty much everyone was evacuated. Zuma had done his job and all the kids were safe, Mick's barge was loaded and on it's way to the shore, Marshall had been attending to all the injuries, Chase's spy gear helped him locate and rescue those in need, Rubble was entertaining some of the kids and Skye had been pointing people out from above. Rocky was doing who knows what.

"Is that everyone?" I asked into my headset. 

"I don't see anyone else," Chase mumbled.

"Looks like it!" Skye yelled over her jets.

"Cleawed from hewe," Zuma exclaimed. 

"Alright, everyone to the Air Patroller! We have something else we need to take care of." I told them, getting barks and howls in response. We're coming for you Rocky...

Rocky's P.O.V

Zuma and I had split up. Checking more places faster. Everything looked cleared, not a soul in sight. I turned back towards the shore, when my ears perked at a sudden noise. It was soft, not too close. It didn't sound like any ocean animal- or the sea itself. It sounded like... a child? Crying? I turned back to the ship, flying closer to the sound. Inside one of the rooms just barely above the surface, was a small child no older than four. 

"Are you okay?" I asked calmly, thought the small open gap of the window. 

"I can't find my mommy and daddy," the girl whispered. I told the girl to cover her face and used the hammer to smash the window. I abandoned the pup pack on a floating piece of ship, as it wouldn't fit through the window and slid into the room. A piece of the glass cut my paw, but I couldn't care at the moment. The little girl wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. My mind wanted me to call Ryder, using a pup-tag. But I don't have one like the others... it's just a green collar and metal dog tag. 

How was I going to solve this on my own?


So sorry guys. I know it's been a while. Sorry about the last chapter, I had everything set up in my mind, but accidentally published it- then took a break and forgot my plot. -.- Anyone have ending ideas? Direct message me if you do, it would be greatly appreciated! 

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