I know that I'm not dreaming

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-Burning. He's burning up. Clothes slide off and scatter

-panting for breath, hands tremble on hard skin

-Calling. Calling. Crying for relief. Why was noone there?

-hands gripping him all over. Mouths sucking, biting, licking all over

-Gripping silky hair in one hand, clawing at a thigh


-biting into the meat of a shoulder, getting a deep hoarse groan in reply

-bodies thrusting into his heat, shuddering into him, knots catching on his rim

-his. They're his, no one can have them, hishishishis

Tsuna wakes, jolting upright gasping for breath. A solid arm pulls him back into an equally solid chest. Another arm tightens around his waist, three more hands grasping at his thigh, side, and hip respectively. A head snuggles into his neck.

Where is he? And more importantly, why the fuck was he naked and surrounded by what felt like five other men?!

"Stop thinking Tsuna. Go back to sleep, we'll explain everything later." Reborn growled into his ear.

No. No. He couldn't have. Fearfully, Tsuna opened his eyes and stared up into heavily satisfied black eyes. Oh fuuuuck, he had. Frantically, he looked around and locked eyes with Xanxus' deep red. Tearing his eyes away from him, he further saw Hibari-senpai, Fon-san, and Colonnello-san scattered around the enormous bed he was currently lying in.

Every single one of them looked disheveled, bearing red scratches, bite marks, bruises scattered all over their bodies. Something deep inside him purred in contentment at the marks of his claim on these powerful men. What had happened to cause him to be in bed with five of the most powerful men he knew? And naked?!

"What happened?" he squeaked out, fumbling for the bed covers after realizing he wasn't even under them. The men grumbled at his movements, slowly stirring from their dozes. Tsuna attempted to put some distance between himself and them, but Reborn as well as Fon of all people, weren't going to have that and pulled him between them.

"What do you remember?" Reborn asked in lieu of an answer, seemingly stepping forward as the spokesman for the group of five men.

Tsuna furrowed his brows in thought, fingers crumpling the bedcovers on his lap.

"I remember being with Shamal-sensei and Hayato-kun. Shamal-sensei had noticed that there was still a Seal on the majority of my Flames several weeks ago, even though it should have been destroyed by the bullets and me using my Flames constantly. He was worried that it was stunting something in my growth or even causing an imbalance in my hormones." he slowly said, mouth turned down in thought as everything slowly came back to him.

"He wanted to unSeal the rest of my Flames, in small increments, so that the reintroduction wouldn't cause my system to go into shock or something worse." here Tsuna hesitated for a moment, eyes downward. "Something went wrong during the process and instead of a small amount being unSealed, the entire Seal vaporized. After that all I remember is a great burning, need I guess, and nothing else."

"The unSealing of your Flames caused you to rapidly Present then Mature within an hour, Tsuna. You immediately afterwards went into Heat, and Called for anyone compatible. Us five answered your Call and helped you during the last seven days. You're an Omega, though where you fall on the spectrum of the subtypes, we'll find out soon enough." Reborn told him gently.

Tsuna's mind stuttered, stuck on the reveal of his being an Omega. "I- Wha- Ome- I was told I'm a Void! That there was no way I could ever Present, let alone Mature! How?" he cried out, the bone deep pain he'd felt growing up knowing he would always be a Void choking him. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes. "All the doctors I've been to, told me that I would be lucky to even make it past my mid-teens! That my parents should just have me shuffled off to some, some asylum for Voids! That- that I-" words failed Tsuna as he started to cry in earnest and curled up into a ball.

Great sobbing heaves wracked his body. The older men shared speaking glances, knowing what Tsuna hadn't finished before he had been overwhelmed with tears. That I was better off hidden away, forgotten, and left to die; then continue to bring great shame to my family. Colonnello gently ran a hand glittering with Rain Flames over Tsuna's arms and back, letting his Flames subtly calm the poor Omega down.

"There's more to it, Tsunayoshi." Fon told him softly, waiting patiently for Tsuna to wipe his tears away and blow his nose with the kleenex Xanxus gave him. He gave him a tired stare.

"The Flames used to Seal yours, were older than the ones Nono gave you when you were a child."

A dawning horror came over Tsuna, he closed his eyes as his Intuition flared.

"They were my dad's Flames." he whispered into the silence.


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