Chapter 15

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"Good morning, Mr. Spock."

"And to you as well, Captain," Spock replied.

Kirk smiled from his chair on the bridge, gazing fondly at his first officer. Spock continued to his station and sat down, beginning a new day aboard the Enterprise. After their brief period of relaxation, the mission was almost completed. Altair VI was now only a few hours away.

"Estimated time to our destination, Mr. Chekov?" Kirk asked.

"3 hours and 27 minutes, sir," Chekov replied.

"Good," Kirk announced, satisfied. "Lt. Uhura, please notify—"

"Captain, we're off course!" Chekov interrupted suddenly.

"Well, get back on course," Kirk stated, wondering what the problem was.

"That's just it, sir," Chekov explained with a frown. "The ship's taken a new heading all by itself."

"Sulu, can you locate the malfunction? Kirk asked.

Sulu pressed some buttons on his console, then replied, "No sir, the ship is unresponsive."

"Explanation, Spock?" Kirk said, turning in his chair to face him.

"Elusive, Captain, I am investigating," Spock informed him.

"I can't understand it. I simply have no control," Sulu announced in disbelief, continuing his button-pressing.

Kirk frowned, concerned. "Kirk to engineering," he said, pressing one of the buttons on his chair.

"Scott here," came the reply.

"Scotty, we're off course," Kirk declared. "Check out maneuvering controls."

"Aye, sir. Hold," Scotty responded, flipping switches on one of the engineering consoles.

"Captain? No malfunction indicated," Scotty announced after a moment.

"Switch to auxiliary," Kirk decided.

"Aye, Sir," Scotty replied, pressing several more buttons and frowning at the controls in front of him.

"Stand by for check," Kirk responded, turning toward the view screen.

The bridge was silent for several seconds as they waited for the problem to be corrected. However, their direction did not change, and they continued to move away from their destination.

"Scotty, we're still off course," Kirk declared.

"I'll be right up," Scotty replied.

"Speed, Mr. Chekov," Kirk said.

"We're moving at warp 8, sir."

"Lt. Uhura, put the ship on red alert," Kirk ordered. The alarm signal began immediately, red lights flashing on the walls. Kirk pressed a button on his chair.

"All hands, this is the Captain," he announced over the intercom. "The ship is on red alert. Repeat, the ship is on red alert. There has been an unidentified malfunction in the ship's directional control. Repeat, the ship is off course and out of our control."

Having finished delivering his message, Kirk leaned back in his chair again.

"Captain, do you think this could have something to do with the other malfunctions we've been having?" Sulu asked after a moment.

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