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Tyler walked through the living room dragging His
suitcases behind him and made his way into the
bedroom we shared. As he began putting his things
away I plopped down on the bed and spoke "So
being on tour must've made you really busy." I said
watching him fold his clothes and place them in
drawers "Yeah it was insane honestly. But it wasn't
too bad, it was really good to just fuck around with
the guys for a bit and meet a lot awesome people."
He reminisced "Too busy to answer your phone..." I
trailed off looking up at him. He stopped what he
was doing and paused, thinking of his response
"Okay I know I was supposed to call but-" "But
nothing Ty. I don't want to hear a lame ass excuse
on how busy you were or how you didn't have your
phone on you. You made a promise that you broke."
I interrupted "I'm not going to argue with you." He
huffed "I'm not trying to argue either. I just thought
I was worth atleast one phone call." I snapped
irritated. I got up from the bed and walked out of
the room hearing footsteps following behind me
"Aliyah.." Tyler said. I ignored him and continued
onto the balcony "Aliyah why are you out here?"
Tyler asked closing the door behind us "I need some
air." I hissed "don't be this way. I admit I was
wrong for not calling you but I was busy." He said
"I get you're busy Tyler but you make time for the
people you care about." I stated coldly refusing to
look at him "I obviously care about you Aliyah-" he
started "Then show it! You were gone for 4 weeks
without a word! For all I know you could've been
dead!" I exclaimed whipping around to face him
"Show it? You want me to show it!? Fine" before I
could even respond he grabbed me pulling us closer
before smashing his lips onto mine. At first I tried to
pull away still mad but my angry exterior
melted away at his touch and I wrapped my arms
around his neck deepening the kiss. My stomach did
flips as we poured our emotions into the kiss. It
began to get very passionate as he slid his hands to
my thighs and lifted me up taking me by surprise. I
let out a little squeal giggling as I wrapped my legs
around his torso "I'm sorry for not calling Aliyah
but I really do love you and I missed you like crazy.
There wasn't a day when I wasn't thinking about
you or how your feeling." He said giving me a peck
on the lips while carrying me back into the house
and setting me on the couch "I Love you too Tyler.
That's why I was so angry. I was worried about
you." I explained "I'm here now Aliyah, and I won't
leave you again." He placed a gentle kiss on my
forehead. We talked for a bit as I helped him
unpack. I can never stay mad at him, no matter
what I know in my heart he means well and I will
always love this crazy fool. Once we finished
putting his things away we climbed into bed. He
wrapped his arms around my growing stomach as
we drifted asleep.

Authors Note:
I decided to delete the previous chapter because I didn't like it and didn't feel it fit with the story. But sorry it took so long to update in going to try to get better at that. Enjoy :)

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