Chapter 16

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     I spent another day in the hospital with Jake by my side the whole time. I'm not sure why he stayed with me but I'm glad he did. I mean, he doesn't even know me.
     My second day in the hospital was long but not too dreadful with Jake there. I learned that he was 30 years old and worked as a bartender at a small bar in the city. It was weird meeting him all over again because I thought I knew him so well in my dreams. Jake was so much more introverted and soft in real life. But his jokes made me laugh and his smile warmed my heart.
     When it was time for me to leave, I felt weary about going to my apartment with Adam still out there. I asked Jake if he could take me home anyways; I didn't want to sound so needy by asking him if I could stay with him, I just met him. Jake happily obliged and we started our way back to the city. The car ride was pleasantly silent until we got to my apartment.

     "Thank you so much for staying with me. I seriously don't know how I could've survived without you," I told him.

     "It's not a problem. I'm happy you're doing well. Call me if you need anything, okay. I'll be there if you need me."

     "Alright, thank you," I said.
     Jake got out of the car, ran to the other side and opened the passenger side door for me. He stuck his hand out to me and I grabbed it, letting him help me up. We walked up the stairs of my apartment, Jake taking most of the weight off of my feet, and once we got to the door we stopped.

     "Are you sure you'll be alright?" Jake asked me sweetly.

    "I'm sure, thank you. I'll call you if I need anything."

    Jake let go of my arm and said, "don't be a stranger, Anna," giving me a light smile. I smiled back and then he made his way back to his car.

      Once he drove away I found my self with a huge grin on my face. No, Jake wasn't the man I had made up in my head, but, he was real and such a sweet guy. I was the luckiest woman alive when I survived the car accident, then when I survived the gunshot. Now, I was so extremely lucky to have someone that cared about me.

     I unlocked my door and went inside. I noticed a huge pile of mail waiting for my in the doorway and saw the dust gathered on my furniture. The whole apartment looked dark and gloomy, it reminded me of my past. I hobbled over to my room and fell onto my unmade bed. I needed a change. This bed reminded me of my past relationship, the whole apartment was a dark void that needed to escape.

     I sat up and staggered to the kitchen where I ate some canned fruit I found in my cupboards, then I went back to my bed. I stared at the cieling aimlessly for a long time before I could finally fall asleep. Flashbacks of my experience with Adam kept running through my head, keeping me up for what felt like hours. But, the thought of starting my life over tomorrow relieved my mind a bit and helped me rest for the night.




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