Chapter 1

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[ To be forced ]

~~Y/N pov~~

"You have to marry with Mr.Min's son" My dad coldly said as he crossed his arms, convincing me to marry the one that I don't even know, the one that literally invisible in my life.

"No!" I storm my feet on the floor, clenching my jaw in rage but yet, I still remain to calm down myself just he was my freaking dad. "But why? I don't even know him and you forced me to married with him? I already have a boyfriend." I said, attempt to hold back my anger. 

"I don't think your boyfriend is rich or guide your life but this Mr. Min's son is really rich. I'm pretty sure you two became a happy married couple." my dad said, showing his reassuring smile to me as I could feel he tried to persuade me behind those smile but I know it never work on me.

"just keep on dreaming, dad. I will be happy for real if I married with my own lover but you want me to married with him because of money?" I ask.

"Yes. I want you to married with him because of money. We already poor so don't be stubborn. This is for our life too" my dad admitted.

I huffed in annoyance. It make me feel offend when my dad's necessity of me to marry Mr. Min's son because of money but not for my happiness.

But no matter what, I need stand up for my rights. "Our life? You such a lazy dad. You don't even tried to find a job to earn money for us but instead, you want to get all the possession from that family. You never cared about me and my family. You know what? I hate you, dad!" I can't hold back my anger anymore. I screeching at him with full of rage to stand up for my rights and my boyfriend's but then, he snapped me out by slapped my right cheek without any hesitation.

I gasped in surprise while caressing my throbbing right cheek, looking at him in disbelief since he never slapped me before.

He look really mad. "Watch out your mouth when you talking to me!!" My dad scolded me. 

I glare at him with death gaze as the tear began to gathering in my eyes. "You always think about that something will make your live can be happier but, what about me? Your own daughter? What about the thing that I need, like my boyfriend? Well, I don't think that you will change your mind if I said this so, it's useless to said someone like you again, dad. I hate you." then I storm out from my house, calming myself down while enjoying the fresh air out here.

I continued walking to the street, the tear non stop rolling down when every words that my dad said to me keep playing in my head, give me more headache. I just can't believe my dad decide to controlling my life.

But I know that my dad is someone who won't give up for his necessity. He will keep on forcing me to marry with his best friend's son that my mind immediately goes to have a break up with my boyfriend, giving up and force myself to be on dad's side. 

I keep on walking and walking until I suddenly heard someone call out my name. I turn around to see Hoseok that standing not far from me, my best friend.

"Hi Hobi" I greet, heading close to him.

"Hi Y/N. Wait, you had tear in your eyes and why you walking alone here? It's getting midnight." Hoseok worriedly said, concerning about me.

"it's not like my dad gonna worry about me being out here at late night." I sobbed, crossing my arms as I getting even annoyed by the thought of my dad.

"hurm... I guess you had a problem with him." he ensure.

I sighed "I just stressed because of my dad. He was forcing me to married with his best friend's son." I admitted

"woah... Forced marriage. That's not a good thing but how about your boyfriend?" Hoseok curiously ask.

"I guess, I need to meet him tomorrow for break up. I don't want to do this but, I have to because I know that my dad will never change his mind or gave me a chance. I know him very well. He will use his effort to what he want to get. By the way, I'm not in the mood to sleep at my house. I don't want to sleep there" I said.

I was looking down on the floor when suddenly Hoseok lift up my chin and smile.

"You can stay a night at my house if you want." He said, showing his beautiful sunshine smile.

"Okay. Thanks Hobi. That was so nice of you" I said as I replied him back with my smile.

We heading to Hoseok's car across the street and get inside, having a conversation while Hoseok drove his car to his house.

After a while, we finally arrive at Hoseok's house. We stepped into his house.

"Where do you sleep then?" I ask him.

"I will sleep next to you... on the bed~" Hoseok tease.

"Never! I already have a boyfriend!" I chuckling, punching his arm.

He usually teasing me like that. At first, I didn't get comfortable when he teasing me like that but after a year we being a friend, I slowly getting comfortable with him and his joke.

"Hahaha~ okay, I will sleep on the couch then" Hoseok said

"No. I will sleep on the couch since this is your house. You have to sleep in your own bedroom" I said, didn't agree at the fact he need to sleep on the couch meanwhile this was his house.

"Because you're a girl, you have to sleep in my bedroom because girl is special~" Hoseok said with a smile on his face.

I smiled back, my heart softened how he can a good care of me more than my dad. "Hahaha~ okay Hobi. I will sleep in your bedroom then. Good night and sleep tight Hobi~" I said.

"Good night my sweetie~" Hobi said as we hug each other before go to bed.

I walking into his bedroom, laying down on the bed and staring up to the ceiling, thinking how should I tell about this to my boyfriend. He must be really hurt.

••Next day••

"Hobi, I'm going to meet my boyfriend right now. I will be right back" I said to Hoseok who was focusing on the television.

"Okay~ take care Y/N" Hoseok said. I step out from his house, walking down to street to go to the cafe where I'm going meet my boyfriend there. I took a deep breath to calm myself down from nervousness, not wanting this to happen but I forced myself anyway. 

The cafe is not far from here so, I just walking until I arrive. I stepped into the cafe and see my boyfriend was waiting for me. Once he notice me, he start to show his smile while waving his hand to me.

Gosh he is so cute and nice but I can't believe I need to ask him for a break up just because of my dad.

"Hi baby~" Kai greet me once I reach to the table where he sit at.

"Hi Kai" I sit across him

"Why you looking so sad? Tell me if there's something wrong with you. I'll use my effort to cheered up your day." Kai said as he smile sweetly at me. I was feeling really bad for him that make me feel doubt for asking him a break up but...

"Let's break up" I forced myself to say that without any hesitation even tho my heart break into million pieces at the same time.

"What?!?!" Kai replied that in surprise, couldn't believe this thing happened without any expectation.

Chapter 1 end
To be continued.

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