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  IN THE MIDDLE OF THE night Nyx was still wide awake. She wasn't sure if she was up to it—it was an unbelievably difficult thing to learn an entire first year's curriculum in two months and a couple of weeks. Nyx had just missed her first year, and the next year was starting on the first of September; they were already days into July! She turned to her side and looked out her window, she had her curtains open so she could see the starry night sky. She couldn't just sit with this, if she did the anxiousness would eat her alive and she wouldn't get any sleep.

Nyx got out of bed, still wrapped in the covers, that now trailed behind her as she walked out of her room. She stick her head out into the corridor looking left and right, no one was around so she stepped outside and scurried down the hall to the bedroom across from hers. She reached for the door handle, gave a little turn and the door opened; thank goodness it wasn't locked. Nyx entered the room quietly, shutting the door behind her.

"Psst," she said, standing by the door and waiting for him to wake up. "Psst, Draco!"

He stirred in his sleep. It was dark in his room, Nyx would have barely been able to see a thing if it weren't for the clear skies allowing the light emitting from the room to give this place some illumination.

Nyx walked forward, she stood directly over his sleeping figure and poked him repeatedly to wake him up. "Draco, Draco, Draco, Draco, Draco, Draco—"

He groaned and opened his eyes. He felt his stomach drop with fear when he spotted a white figure standing over his bed, not realizing at first that it was just Nyx wrapped in her sheets. He looked like he was about to scream, but Nyx covered his mouth first.

"Wait, it's just me!" she said quickly. She waited for Draco to come to his senses then removed her hands from his overtop his mouth.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" Draco glared. "What are you doing in my room?"

"Do you want to build a blanket fort?" Nyx asked, bringing her covers closer to her.

Draco stared at her. There was something seriously wrong with her, he thought, she must have been dropped on her head multiple times as a baby because there was no other explanation. Why else would she sneak into his room in the middle of the night and wake him up all to build a blanket fort?

"You can't be serious." Draco furrowed his eyebrows. Unfortunately for him, she was very serious and she was also very convincing—or maybe it only seemed that way because of how tired he was. Either way, Nyx had managed to get Draco to drag himself to his feet and destroy his perfectly made bed to build a blanket fort.

"Do you have any paper and scissors?" Nyx asked him when he was gathering pillows for the inside of their fort.

"Maybe? I don't know."

"How can you not know?" Nyx asked.

"What would I need them for?" Draco shot back.

"Cutting things for one."

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