Chapter 11

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Ashley's POV:

I sat in the passenger seat with my knees pulled to my chest tears running down my face

"Niall what if we don't find her? What if she doesn't ever come back? What if sh-"

"Hey, we will find her but you can't panic your the one who knows her best." he told me looking out the window briefly before snapping his eyes back to the road.

"The park on second street!" I yelled.

He turns and we look down the street and his phone goes off "Will you get that for me please," I nod and look at his phone my face lighting up instantly "Thanks god," I say to myself but Niall heard and read my mind "did they find her?" he asks anxiously I nod and put his phone down he turns the car around and we head back to the flat.

As soon as we are there Niall doesn't have the car fully parked and I am already half way to the door.

"Thats not safe you know," He states and I can feel him smirking at me. I walk through the door ignoring all the gazes on me and run up the stairs to our room to find her passed out on the bed. I grab a blanket and cover her up and hug her I was so glad she was okay I would be lost without her.

I walk back down stairs and the boys are talking they all look at me and all I say is "shes asleep,"

"Ugh! She is gonna be in so much trouble tomorrow she can't just leave like that we were all worried sick," Liam states and I just glare at him.

"Are you fucking serious right now," He looks at me questioningly.

"She has been through enough got it Liam you don't need to flip every fucking time we don't do what you want none of you know her like I do so none of you would feel as bad as I would if we never saw her again she is the only reason I am still sane have been able to get through everything that I have I can't believe that is what you are worried about is fucking yelling at her!!" I yell as Niall comes up to me amd hugs me tightly knowing if he wasn't in my way I would have swung at Liam by now and Niall knows just how hard I can hit from the hole in the wall from earlier.

" She left beacuse someone called her a name, news flash this isn't kindergarten anymore mabey she should learn to grow up a little bit and mabey you should too."Liam yelled.

"Liam shut up she's right and you know it and your also gonna wake Katelynn up." Harry butted in a lot quiter.

"She left because so much shit has happened and needed to calm the fuck down can't you see we have already been through enough and that is the last fucking thing we need why the hell can't you just understand that!" I hollar tears brimming in my eyes.

"How the hell am I supposed to know what you two have been through when all you do is act like ungrateful rude ass bitches all the time!"

"Ugh! Get a clue Liam. You guys found us on the street doesn't that tell you anything or are you seriously that fucking ignorant!"

"Everyone just calm down please we don't want to wake up Katelynn and we are all tense and need to take a few breaths." Louis calmly steps in.

"Are you guys serious you are going to take their sides!"

"Liam no one is picking sides we are just saying that everyone needs to calm down." Zayn says getting in between me and Liam.

"What ever!" Liam yells and storms out of the house.

"Ashley it's okay he just needs to calm down trust me he will came back," Harry says while rubbing my arm.

"I am going to bed," I tell them all quietly.

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