[4] Claws Out

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[4] Claws Out

Marinette struggled to clip the sharp claws belonging to the cat sitting on her lip, biting her lip and grinding her teeth against one another. The cat squirmed in her grip, and she groaned in exhaustion.

"Need some help?" She was startled by the sudden voice next to her, looking up and seeing none other than Adrien standing there with a smile on his face. She smiled and nodded gratefully.

She wasn't really listening to anything that Adrien had to say, instead staring at him while she had a reason to. "..to get the claws out." That was all she heard, when suddenly a black blur flew out from Adrien's jacket.

Marinette didn't even have enough time to question it before the blur was absorbed into Adrien's white ring and he yelped in surprise, a tight black cat costume slowly covering his body as cat ears appeared on top of his head, a black mask over his green, now cat-like eyes.

"Plagg!" Adrien - or Chat Noir - groaned, only to remember that Marinette was next to him. He began to laugh nervously, scratching the back of his neck with his now clawed fingers.

Marinette screamed in surprise, falling backwards as the cat jumped from her grip and scampered off. She started taking deep breaths, her mind swarmed with emotions.

"Spots on.." She blurted breathily, it taking her a second to realize what she had done when Tikki was a red flash flying into her earrings.

Now it was her turn to yelp, as a red and black dotted suit fell on over her, a matching mask crossing over her blue eyes as a yo-yo made its way onto her waist.

Ladybug and Chat Noir sat there staring at each other, blinking, trying to overcome the shock and surprise filling their minds.

"Marinette?" Chat Noir said quietly, a nervous feeling in his gut that someone would hear them using each other's civilian names.

"Adrien?" Ladybug copied Chat Noir's quiet tone, as they sat there continuing to be silent.

Ladybug closed her eyes and took a deep breath, when she felt a pair of lips on hers. She opened her eyes to see Chat, and thought about how he was actually Adrien, kissing him back just a second after.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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