Dress rehearsal part 3

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10 minutes later.

“Yuri? You said you said you needed us?” Ruki asks entering.

“Oh! Hey Ruki!” Yuri said. “Over here!” She motioned them over to where the rest of them are. They find the Sakamaki’s and burst into laughter. “Ohhh don’t laugh you all are next!” Grabs Ruki and Yumma.

“Ooooohhhh you think it’s funny? Why don’t you join us?”Yuki said grabbing Kou and Azusa. “Let’s go!!”

“Yes you should join us~” Laito said looking at the men.

“NNNNNNOOOO HELP US!” Ruki and Yuam scream trying to make Yuri let go. But she had one hell of a grip so all they could do was try and stop moving and grab anything that would make her stop but nothing worked. Yuki got the luckier end. Kou was the only one struggling to escape. Azusa just followed her willingly.

“ RUKI BE NICE AND WEAR THIS!” Yuri screams jumping on his back. The door closes and that would be the last time we would see those 4 vampires in normal clothing. There was a boom making all the vampires in the waiting room jump.

“What was that?” Aysto asks looking up to the rooms.

“Don’t ask… it’ll just give you nightmares.” Subaru and Kanato say shivering. The boys look at the 2 in shock.

“OW YURI THAT HURT!” Yumma yells getting hit by a potted plant.

“GOOD!” Yuri screams over the loud noises.There was more loud explosions that made the house rattle and shake on Yuri’s side. Meanwhile Yuki peacefully dressed Azusa then gently pushed him out of the room.

“Sis, How's it going?” Yuki yells as she fights Kou trying to get him in a white shirt.

“Okay I guess.” Yuri said dodging a pot. “OH NO YA DON'T!” there was a loud boom then a large thud. Either Yuri knocked out Yumma or the dresser flew out the window. Suddenly the door slammed open and a Yumma flew out in a butler uniform with a huge squirrel tail, ears, and the 2 buck teeth. “OH RUKI WHERE DO YA THINK YOU ARE WONDERING OFF TO!?” the demon known as Yuri says locking the door. Everyone gulps including the Sakamaki. They felt sorry for him he was the final one to face the demonic child. “IT'S JUST ME AND YOU!” The war started again. “Oh sis! How is it going with Kou?” She asked as if everything was fine and there was no World war 5 going on.

“Kinda hard.” she says as Kou is struggling for dear life.

Suddenly Yuri comes flying out but only to adjust herself and go back in. The guys stand there dumbfounded. The Yuri yells “I MAY NOT BE A VAMPIRE BUT I AM THE EMPRESS OF HELL!” suddenly it goes deathly quiet in both rooms. Yuki comes out dragging Kou smiling. “I win, the queen of heavens thanks you for this Kou.” she said with a smirk. Kou on the other hand was pouting. He was in a butler's uniform with cat ears and a tail. Now all 9 boys wait anticipation killing them. Who won was it the demonic child known as Yuri or was it the head of the Mukami Ruki. “Time to place bets boys,” Yuki said. Kou, Yumma, Ayato, and Laito placed their money on Ruki winning and Subaru, Kanato, Azusa, Shuu and Reiji put their money on Yuri. Suddenly the door flung open and a blur hit the wall causing dirt to fly. When the dirt settled a butlerized ruki slowly slid down the wall with wolf ears and a tail. “I win!” Yuri said coming out of the room completely fine. “Let’s watch the slow mo shall we?” Yuri said holding out a camera. They all gathered to watch Ruki faceplant onto a wall and slide down. Yuri loses it and starts laughing her ass off. “Y-You guys!” she said clutching her stomach. “L-Look so funny!” she said falling to the floor gasping for air.

The boys just stared at each other then a grin appeared on their faces as a new idea dawned on them. “Ohhh Yuri!~” They say creepily. The all grab Yuri making sure she can’t move.

“S-Sis!” Yuki hollars plowing through the male cage.

“MEEP.” Yuri said wide eyed at what was about to happen. Yuki helps Yuri to her feet. Then they run for their dear lives as the brothers finally do team up, but only to take down the devil’s twins.

“What do we do know!?” Yuri said dashing down the hallways like a mad women.

“I don’t know! Just keep running.” Yuki screams Trying to run faster. Suddenly Yuri jumps and pushes Yuki faster as trips and falls on Shuu’s foot. “RUN AND NEVER LOOK BACK!” Yuri screams as she is tackled by 5 vampires. Suddenly Kanato appears in front of Yuki and Yuri. “Can’t get away that easily.” He says in a creepy tone.

Meanwhile Yuri is being dragged away by Subaru, Reiji, Shuu, Ruki, and Yumma. “Oh Yuri, Let’s play!” Yumma said creepily.

“RUN! RUN AND NEVER LOOK BACK!!!!” Yuri screams as she is taken away by  the vampires.

“SIS NOO!” Yuki cried about lung for her.


“O-ok..” Yuki said running away as fast as lightning leaving Yuri to the wrath of 5 angry sadistic vampires.

“H-hey g-guys.” Yuri said nervously in the dressing room. The war begins again

“HELL NO I AIN’T WEARING THAT!” Yuri says dodging the brother’s attacks.

“How’s it going in there?” Kanato asks searching for Yuki who was safely hiding under the couch in her room.

“LET ME GO!” Yuri screams. Just shortly after there was the smell of burning wood fill the air.

“SHE THREW A FIREBALL!” Yumma yells. Trying to find a fire extinguisher.

“LET ME OUT!” Yuri screams as she is tied up. Suddenly there was a huge bang then a series of bombs go off. Suddenly Yuri comes flying out in a wolf costume. She blushes profoundly while getting up.

“Are you okay?” Kanato asks finally finding Yuki.

“Y-yeah I guess.” Yuri says fiddling with her tail.

Yuki comes into the room still in her maid outfit with bear accessories. “Roar.” she says.

“Woof.” she says  turning redder.

“Aww my little wolf.” he said teasingly.

Yuri only smirks and says, “My little bunny.”  This made Subaru go crimson. “He he I win.” Yuri said smirking.

“Teddy.” Kanato says hugging The Queen of Heaven (QOH) from behind. Yuki Lights up red and then smirks.

“Hehe, my innocent mouse.” she said making kanato burry his face in her back. Blushing furiously. Yuki grabs the boys. “We will all have fun and take a group picture!” The boys groan in protest.

“AAAAAHHHH SHUT UP!” Yuri says smacking each and everyone of them almost at the same time because they were all in a line. “Let’s get started!” Yuri said teleporting them to a empty shop in Tokyo. “I bought it awhile ago and was thinking about what I should do.” Yuri says casually.

“Okay Yuri you will take care of the food, while the boys will take care of serving them, while I help out in the back.” Yuki said heading to the back room.

Yuri starts with the cooking while the guys set up. The moment the sign flips to open customers started to pouring in. “How…?” Yuki was about to ask but then she saw Reiji smirk. So she only did as she was supposed to do and help out whenever needed.

“So I guess it’s time to start, boy just 4 simple rules.”

“And what are those?” Reiji asked.

“1st no biting customers. 2nd  no creep.3rd You have to act happy and make them feel welcome! 4th you have to do your job or it’s to hell with you!” Yuri says opening the portal to sow she is serious.

“Alright! Let's get this party started!” Yuki says trying to lighten the mood.

“Right.” Yuri said going back into the kitchen.

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