Chapter 20

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Hello, hello.


Cupid’s POV was requested a few chapters prior, so here we have part of the chapter up with Cupid, the rest down with Niall and Harry.

Over 4000 Reads! Whoop whoop! Over 300 Votes! Whoop whoop!

I get over 20 Votes on one Chapter in one day. I’m proud of you guys, what’s kinda weird, but I just love you.

Yeah! I can’t believe that this story went so far! I’m just a little girl from Germany and now my babies and I are smashing it!

Only because of you! Without you I wouldn’t have a reason to do this! You are the Hazza to my Boobear! Never change, you’re perfect just the way you are right now!

I love you more than everything! I love you enough to walk over the oceans! Even though I can’t walk over water, for you I would find a way! I LOVE YOU!

Apparently, I left you with a cliffhanger last chapter. Sorry.

Okay, so … enough I guess.


~With Cupid~

The red winged man looked at the screen. It was a map of the UK. It was plastered with little heart signs: either broken ones or whole ones. Cupid’s eyes were on a broken heart, moving down in a fast pace to another broken heart.

The dark haired man smiled. He knew that his son would do it. After millennia of his children not feeling love, he thought it was enough and made his best Heartbreaker fall in love.

The door was burst open and Zayn and Eleanor walked in. Eleanor was fuming while Zayn was smirking.

“Father! Do you know what Louis did? He fell in love! He is not supposed to! He’s none of us anymore!” the girl screeched.

“Shut up, girl. Stop talking about Louis like that,” Cupid replied.

Cupid looked at Zayn with his strange eyes that changed their color like a kaleidoscope – from brown to blue to green to gray to hazel to golden to red. Zayn smirked brightly, his amber eyes shining. Cupid nodded, knowing that Zayn knew what was going on.

“But Father! Louis is a Heartbreaker! He said … he said that he felt the pain of a broken heart every day since he came back. But he doesn’t have a heart!”

“Are you sure, my daughter? Look,” Cupid pointed at the moving broken heart on the screen. “This is Louis. And this,” he pointed at another broken heart that was located at Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, “is Harry. I gave Louis this task for good reasons. It was time that one of my children finally found out the truth. Zayn understands it, right?”

Zayn nodded. “Yes, Dad, I do.”

“Good. Eleanor, we will let Louis do what he wants. He needs to make his own decision. He needs to do what he thinks is the right thing. I will explain everything later. Zayn, I think you should go and get someone.”

Zayn’s eyes lighted up and he nodded eagerly. “Yes, Dad! Of course! But … what if they don’t remember me?”

“Normally, we erase every tiny memory about a turned human out of the people’s minds. But these two only got their memories blurred. They will recognize you when they see you.”

“I understand, Dad. I will go.”

Zayn turned around, spread his wings and flew out of the palace with quick strikes of his long wings. Eleanor looked at her father with confused eyes.

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