The year it all changed

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Today was like any other day. Boring. Everyday I come to school. Go inside, wait for the encore teacher, and I go to go to do the breakfast. We started doing it for a year now. I'm in 10th grade now. We started when I was in 9th grade. It's the first day of school and its always the same. It's never going to be different. I wait until she says it 8:00. Then we head to the breakfast place. When one of my papers fell, she went on. I picked it up and then started to run to catch up to her. My hair went in my face and I bumped into some one. I'm such an idiot. "I'm sorry" I bent down to pick up two of his papers and I saw them and then said, "Wow your really good at drawing! And is that a drawing of thebajiancanadian!" he opened his mouth and then said, "Yeah. You know who he is." He pushed his hands deep in his over sized hoodie. "Well he does have like almost 3 million subscribers. Right. And I started watching his vids since like the 100th hunger game." "Wow. Really. Me too." That's when he got his hands out of his pockets. We kept talking we actually had a lot in common and then I asked him" I haven't seen you around are you new?." "Yeah actually." Thats when Ms.Nicole yelled. "Are you coming Debi." "No I'm going to show him around he says he's new." "Okay have fun." she said and went back into the room. "I guess your going to be giving me a tour. Right?" "Yeah. Don't worry though it won't take long. It a pretty small school. I won't invade your life forever. Once I've showed you around you can find you're group, and forget about me.-" I chocked up the last few words. But still for some reason it was easy to talk to him. Every word just gushed out of me there wasn't any problem with talking to him. I'm not much of a talker. I barley talk to my own friends! So why was it so easy to talk to him. That's when I told him "Or we can still be friends, after I'm done giving you a tour." He looked startled. maybe he thought I wasn't going to say any thing more. Since there was such a long pause. Then he started talking with his hands buried deep in his pockets of his hoodie. "Yeah, that would be nice." While he was talking he looked at the ground so I couldn't see his face.

When I finished showing him every thing important in the school I told him " That's pretty much it." "Thanks for giving me the tour. I really appreciate it." Then we stood in silence, looking at each other and then looked away. I was blushing I didn't know why but I did. I wonder if he was to. Its weird how I feel like this if I don't even know his name. I've never liked anyone like this. I tried to forget about this and move on so I started talking about the kids." The populars. There not your typical kind of popular kids. There not mean, there actually the opposite. They try to act nice but I think they only care about there friends in the group." I pointed to them trying not to get anyone's attention. I succeeded. We walked while I talked. Of to the next group. "The athletes. They are also part of the popular category. But they have there own ways. They stick to there own groups of sports they never collide. I think? Any way there football." I pointed towards the field as we turned the corner and saw them tossing the ball. "And then there's soccer. Most of the people who want to play soccer are really known. And also football. They think there so cool." I scoffed. I think he smirked. But I'm not sure. Then I lead him back near the building. We went inside and there were a ton of boys on a stage. They were on iPods tablets and computers all huddled next to each other watching each other play. I pointed at them for like one second and then put it down. he looked at me and then I opened my mouth to talk but instead he started talking. "I'm guessing you would say these are the geeks they play video games and pretty much don't do any thing but sit there all day until they need to move." It was like he read my mind! "Yeah that's kind of what I would of said." I was examining him how did he know I was going to say that. " If you're worried about me 'reading you mind' I didn't. Its just thats how it is in every school. And believe me I know. I was part of that group." I just smiled. He put both his hands up in sign of surrender."I saw the question in your eyes." "So I'm guessing this is good bye then since you're obviously going to that group. I mean-" My voice trailed off. "I mean that you've already been in a group like that right." Wow way to go debi. Now he probably thinks your mean. "Actually I am going to go to that group but we should keep in touch right." "Right." I said so stupidly. I felt weird we kind of looked at each other for a bit. I started blushing again. And this time I saw him blush to this time. His bangs got in his face and then he flipped his hair. And then he said "Have a nice first day of school." Then he started walking but then stopped to share one one glance with me. I felt so different. I never felt any thing like this with a boy before. My group is the group that stays a little out of the way. It's really hard when Haley is not quiet at all. She's pretty much the person you would call ratchet. She calls herself that not me. Along with Alex. They were alright and not that inappropriate in the 9th grade then came 10th grade and every thing changed. At least I still have my still sort of sane friend Liza. Shes really nice. she has a shy/mean act but really she's really fun nice girl. My other friends don't see that they always have votes. Like raise you're hand if you think debi is the nicest at the table. they all raise there hands. Raise your hand if you think Liza is the nicest. Only like three out of five of us including me raised their hands. I hated it but I didn't say any thing. If she's ok with it than I'm ok with it. (ps. that was a memory of lunch last year.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2014 ⏰

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