The Dare pt. 2

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"Are you nervous?", Taylor asked you referring to your meet up with Kendall.
"Not at all. Why would I be nervous?", you replied.
"I don't know. You used to have a really close relationship with her".
"I know. I really want to know what she wants", you said impatiently while waiting for the girl to come out of the school building.
"Ugh, there she comes", Lauren huffed while she threw daggers at Kendall who was slowly approaching you.

She looked effortlessly beautiful as always. The way she dressed, the way her hair moved in the wind, the way her eyes lit up whenever she was happy, there had been so many things you loved about that girl and you hated yourself for that. She didn't deserve anything from you, not after everything's she'd done.

"Hey, Y/N", the tall girl greeted you with a sweet smile playing on her lips.
"Hi", you greeted her back with a neutral expression on your face.
"Call me if anything happens", Lauren told you, which made Kendall laugh sarcastically.
"Chill. I'm not gonna try to kill her", the brown-eyed girl reassured your best friend.
Lauren sent her a warning glare before turning her attention back to you. "Take care", she said before engulfing you in a tight hug. "Have fun", Taylor said before wrapping her arms around the both of you.
"Bye, girls. I'll text you later", you said and waved your friends goodbye.

You followed Kendall to her car in silence. It was still weird to you that you were actually about to hang out with the girl you used to call your best friend.
"Your friends are very protective of you", the girl stated after the two of you got into her Range Rover.
"I know", you said while looking out of the window.
"Lauren seems to be into you", she commented. You raised your eyebrow at the girl and shook your head. "She's not and even if she was, that's none of your business".
"I'm sorry. I just thought that she likes you a lot since she's so caring of you".
"Well, that's how real friends are like", you scoffed. "Not everyone's a fake bitch", you added to which Kendall chuckled.
"Are you throwing shade at me?", she asked, sounding amused but you didn't answer.

A couple of minutes passed without anyone of you saying a word but the other girl eventually broke the silence.
"So", she started. "Tell me, how have you been? What's new? Is there anyone special in your life right now?", she asked you curiously. You turned your head so you were looking at the girl next to you. "I'm not gonna talk about my love life to you", you huffed. "Why are you so curious anyways?", you added.
"What? I'm just trying to make a conversation here. Don't be like that".
"I'm for sure not gonna talk about personal things", you made clear and she nodded.

It didn't take long until you finally arrived at your destination. You took a look at your surroundings and what you saw surprised you.
"I haven't been here in a long time", Kendall said after she turned the engine of the car off. "Same", you replied.
The two of you got out of the car and made your way into the ice cream parlor.
This parlor used to be your go-to place whenever you and Kendall craved ice cream. You came here a lot. Even all the employees knew the two of you by your names. A little smile appeared on your face as you thought back to the good old days.

"Come, take a seat", the dark-haired girl said when she noticed you still standing and admiring the place you hadn't visited in years.
"I don't bite", she smiled. "Only if you want to", she added with a smirk on her face which was followed by a laugh after you rolled your eyes at her.
You took a seat and sighed while scanning the menu.
"Is (your favorite ice cream flavor) still your favorite?"
Your eyes went wide in surprise. It really surprised you to hear that she still knew what your favorite ice cream flavor was.
You nodded and Kendall smiled in victory.
"You didn't think I'd still remember your go-to ice-cream flavor, huh?", the girl in front of asked smugly.
"What's all this, Kendall?", you finally confronted her.
"What do you mean?", she asked.
"This. Why are you suddenly so nice to me?", you wondered with anger present in your voice. "Have you been visited by the three ghosts of Christmas?", you added.

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