Chapter One The Naïve Girl & The Handsome Vampire

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  You lived in a small village where every villager knew each other's realities and stories. Everyone gossiped besides you and your father. You cared about your father very much but you were worried about him. He is sixty-years-old and is in poor health but you couldn't afford the medicine he needs to survive. You both were rather poor and it was hard to even provide food on the table every night.

"Father?" You called out to him.

"Yes?" He walked in the living room while you made sure you put on a scarf and a hat to face the cold. It is the middle of the winter and there are at least four inches of snow outside.

"I am going to get us firewood. Please stay here, okay?" You gently smiled at him.

"You sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"No, I'll be fine. I won't go too far out in the woods," You insured him.

"Alright, please be safe."

"Okay, father."

You left your little home to venture out into the woods to get some firewood to make dinner tonight plus you needed to keep your home warm since it gets very cold at night...

You sighed in relief and saw your breath in the air. It is very cold but you had a long pink coat on with a matching hat and a matching scarf to complete your look.

The woods are very pretty because all the trees have snow covering the branches. It truly looks like a winter wonderland.

You admired the scenery until you saw a figure from afar. The person wore a long brown cloak and you couldn't make out the person's features because the hood is covering the person's face.

"Um, hello there..." You called out to the person.

The person just stood there. You should be frightened but instead, you slowly walked up to the person.

"Are you here to get some firewood?" You asked softly.

You gazed into the person's eyes and you gasped a little when you saw how handsome this young man is. He has silky silver hair, snowy-white, and lavender eyes, and he is also very tall.

"No," he answered coldly.

"Oh, I see..."

"What is a young girl like you doing wandering around these woods?" He narrowed his eyes at you.

"I need firewood."

"Shouldn't your husband get it for you?"

"I don't have a husband. I only live with my father and he is very ill," you whispered.

He didn't respond as you walked around to find the perfect tree to chop it down. You are carrying a heavy ax and it's hard to carry but you are managing.

"Do you need help?" He offered.

"Oh, no... I'll be fine," you insisted.

"Just give me the ax," he mumbled.

You hesitated but handed him the ax and he started to chop down a rather large tree. You admired him because he didn't show any sign of weakness as he kept chopping the tree.

You thought he is very strong and mysterious. Who is this young man and why haven't you seen him around before?

"Are you from around here?" You asked curiously.


"Where are you from?"

"The castle on the mountain," he answered.

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