His Mate, My Beloved

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The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer as they do.


I was pumping my legs as fast as I could but it didn't seem fast enough. I was panicking as the headlights began gleaming causing light to form my shadow on the ground ahead of me. My hair was whipping in the wind smothering my face. I knew I was fast, but with all the pressure I felt like a turtle.

"I want her!" I heard the deep voice yell. His team of follows doing calls and trying to distract me.

I shouldn't have come to the cemetery. Not tonight. My coven convinced me to try to be a distraction while they got to a safer place. I was a fool and agreed. To know that they tricked me in such a way was cruel. They would risk my life to save theirs. They made me the bate to the others.

I kept making my feet push harder and even trying to hide behind graves. I didn't have unbelievable strength as most vampires, and my running was only above average. I was a half human still, and the genes from my 'pire parent didn't provide me with those two capabilities. I heard the truck roaming around the graveyard and I kept quite. I was out of fuel and hadn't had anything to feed off of since the day before.

It was snowing outside so I know the humans would get cold; I would have to wait it out even though my throat was parched and desired a quencher.

I heard the car come closer and I got butterflies in my stomach. I grabbed all of my dark brown hair to make sure it would blow in the wind causing attention to the grave I was hiding behind. The headlights shown and I could tell they were right by the grave. I seen mens shadows and heard the crunch of the snow from being smashed by their weight and boots.

I clenched my teeth and hoped they would look or find me here. I caught a scent of dog and it began to growl.

"What do you smell, boy?" A husky voice asked to I'm assuming was the dog.

If I was fully human I would cry, but do to biological factors I simply felt pain in my chest. I was the first to admit the fact that I was scared of being caught by the others. They were slowly capturing all the vampire beings. Even going as far as partnering up with the wolves. They thought the earth belonged to them and we were invaders of their territory. I don't understand the big deal of letting us live with them but for ten past thirty years we have had to go into hiding. I guess people were tired of coming home to relatives dead because a vamp had a weak moment and attacked.

The dogs shadow grew bigger and I heard him sniff at the front of the grave site. He startled growling and slowly lurking around to my side. I was scared, but also starved. I heard the heartbeats of the men and smelt their blood rushing through their veins. I knew I was going to be captured, but I wouldn't go down without a fight.

I reached around and grabbed the hound causing the men to become pestered and frantic. I bit into the dogs neck and heard it cry and the men surrounded me with their weapons pointed. I sucked the blood and my mouth was comforted. There were ten set of legs in front of me, but my brain thought me feeding was more important.

I threw the dog down and wiped my mouth. "Uh oh, seems like Spot passed away." I looked up and smiled at them with my fangs out.

They held stakes in their hands and two of the bigger men yanked me up. I felt a burn down my back as one man scrapped his down me with anger. I hissed in pain. I'm guessing it was his dog.

"Take her to the lab!" the eldest man commanded.

They put a sack over my head and put silver chains around my body. They then took my legs out from under me and roughly through me in the back of their hunting van. I felt a sharp prick as something entered my skin. I flinched and tried to move away.

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