Do You Think I Can Stop?

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(Just so you know, I got permission to use these names xx)

Do You Think I Can Stop?

This is a story about a girl who heard voices in her head telling her to hurt people. She wanted nothing more than the voices to be quiet. She wanted her mind to go back the way it was back when he wasn't around. Back when the world made sense.

Emonalee had everything anybody needed, A home, Clothes, Shoes, Friends, Family, but, she felt like she wanted more. Now. She wanted this desperately, but she wouldn't tell a single soul. She wanted the school hottie. Louis. He was every girls dream. He was the one that had a group of whores surrounding him, watching every move he made like vultures. He grew tired of it. But he kept that to himself. Now even though he looked like a dream come true, he had a dark, dark, secret. He was in a gang. He wore leather and tight jeans, he took the time in the morning to apply eyeliner perfectly, he had a gun in his truck, a knife in his pockets, and he didn't know how to love. Now, not only did Emonalee admire him, she admired him more and more every-time the little voices in her head spoke up. Sometimes, the voices would talk about him and how fit he was, other times, they would tell her to cause him great physical pain, poor girl, didn't know what to do. The voices told her what to do, they controlled her every thought. And the only thing she could do, was hurt herself. She had such a big heart, and she couldn't think of hurting anyone, except for herself, of course. She thought such terrible things about herself, things that only bullies will tell a person. She thought she was Ugly, fat, worthless, dumb, and a total bitch. But she was nice to everybody. Except the voices. She would sit in her room, while nobody was home, and scream at the voices in her head. She would get into legit arguments with them. And the only one who knew about it was the walls themselves, and her mum. Her mum was a strange woman. Always looking out for her other children, the ones that didn't have a screwed up mind, she was a very good mother, besides the fact that she didn't care about her daughter, who had vicious nightmares about people being murdered, her daughter, who had scars everywhere, all because she didn't want to hurt anyone, her daughter, who asked one question, "Do you think I can stop?"

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