Chapter 12

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Your Biggest Fan

Chapter 12

Connor: Autumn look Justin has arranged for Alexis' friend Joey to come down and visit her.

Autumn: Oh really? That's cool she'll love that. She's so close to him it'll be fun for her to have him around that's like her best friend.

Connor: I believe her Male best friend is Justin.

Autumn: nope Justin is like her older brother.

Connor: he technically still is her best friend though.

Autumn: yeah well she has multiple guys best friends not just Justin.

Connor: if that's true I don't blame her at all. Guys are so much easier to deal with than girls are.

Autumn: what's that supposed to mean?

Connor: no offense but that. That is exactly what I meant guys don't get as easily offended as girls do. You have your moments where you don't care and you are just like " ehh whatever " I honestly don't think we've offended Alexis yet. For as long as we've known her we haven't offended her yet.

Autumn: well she's not easily offended and you guys are gentlemen around her. Ehh well you guys are gentlemen around her most of the time.

Connor: well yeah that's true. So just a random question, just completely out of the blue but what do you think Alexis would say if I were to ask her out?

Autumn: well I think she'd say yes. I'm not to sure. I mean you can give it a try and see what she says.

Connor: I don't want to because what if she rejects me then it will end up being just as awkward for her and I as it is for her and Jc.

Autumn: but it's not awkward for them. They're friends so it's like the break up never happened.

Connor: I know that's good. I'm also extremely glad it worked out that way because they can't just ignore each forever especially when you guys come to California for a visit. Unless she stays at Justin's then they can avoid each other for as long as they'd like.

Autumn: like I said before they're friends so there is no need for them to be avoiding each other.

Connor: * gets text * hey Connor Alexis' friend Joey is here at my place now, you guys can start heading over here if you'd like. Just please don't bring everyone. Just You, Autumn, & Alexis of course. * texts back * alright man we'll leave here now.

Autumn: what's going on?

Connor: her friend is at Justin's now so I'm going to get her and we'll leave. I'm just going to drop you guys off and come back here.

Autumn: well alright then.

Connor: if you could grab your guys stuff just in case. You guys MIGHT end up staying there. However I'm not to sure yet, but you know just in case like I said.

Autumn: oh well alright I'll do that.

Connor: here I'll help but we gotta do it without Alexis noticing what we are doing.

Autumn: of course!

Justin: * texts Connor * you guys on you'll way yet?

Connor: * texts Justin * not yet Autumn and I are loading their stuff in the car so they can take it to your place since they might end up staying there.

Justin: * texts Connor * oh alright let me know when you're on your way so we can have him hidden before you guys pull up.

Connor: * texts Justin * alright man I'll let you know when we're leaving.

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