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"I have to go out, I'll be back later." He says and I sigh.

"You're out every day." I whine.

"I'm sorry, we're just so busy right now." He says and I sigh, nodding.

He gives me a small smile and leaves.

I reach over and grab my phone, shoving another spoonful of Nutella in my mouth as I dial the number.

"Joes sperm bank, you jack it, we pack it! How can I help you?" The voice says and I take the phone away from my ear to see that it is the right number.

"You're actually disgusting." I laugh while shaking my head.

"That's my best feature." He says cheekily.

"Can you come over?" I change the subject, not too keen on being alone.

"He left again huh?" He says with a tone of disappointment.

"Yeah." I say as I shove another scoop of Nutella in my mouth.

"I'm on my way." He says and hangs up.

I stand up and get a movie set up on my tv while I wait.

I put some popcorn in the microwave and hear the doorbell.

I hum along to the tune being played in the title screen of the film and open the door.

Not only was I greeted by a rose, but there is also chocolates and all my favourite films.

"This is why we're friends." I say and pull him in.

"So it's not just because of my striking good looks?" He teases and I laugh.

"You wish kiddo." I tease back, grabbing the popcorn from the kitchen and see Noah sat on the sofa, playing with the ring on his finger which I got him for his birthday when we were twelve.

Over the last eight years since then, his fingers have grown which results in the ring fitting snugly on his pinkie finger.

Admittedly I had a huge crush on him for a good five or so years but once I realised he didn't feel the same, I moved on and have been engaged to Dan for a year.

We watch two of the twilight films before I realise that there is no more popcorn.

I stand and walk into the kitchen, waiting for another bag of popcorn.

Once it's done, I walk back into the living room.

"Are we watching the ne-" I'm cut off when I feel something wet flow down my legs.

The bowl in my hand slips and crashes to the ground.

No, this can't be happening! She's too early!

Noah's head snaps around to see what's wrong before his eyes stop on the puddle at my feet.

"Noah." I say shakily.

"Oh my god, ok um." He starts, standing up.

I reach my arms out for him, feeling my whole body trembling.

He's instantly at my side cuddling me.

"It's fine, you're fine." He whispers into my ear while I try to keep my breathing steady.

A panic attack is the last thing I need right now.

"Can you phone Dan please?" I ask and he hesitates for a moment but nods, grabbing my phone and dialling his number.

This happens five times before he growls in frustration.

"What?" I ask, my voice still shaking.

"He's not picking up!" He shouts.

"Fuck it." He says, grabbing the bag we packed for this moment and carrying me to his car, speeding towards the hospital.

We burst through the doors of the hospital while Noah shouts for a doctor.

Next thing I know, I'm being sat in a wheelchair and pushed through various corridors.

"Are you the father?" A nurse asks Noah and without hesitation, he nods his head.

"Scrubs are over there, put them over your clothes and put on latex gloves which are in that box." She explains while I let out screams of pain.

I'm then lifted onto a hospital bed and most things after that is a blur.

"Something is wrong." I hear and that's when panic mode kicks in.

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