The Acceptance Letters - Part 1

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A few things to note! First off, in this story Norrisville High is a sister location / branch of Hope's Peak. There are going to be a few more characters than 16 at first, but the characters will slim down. This will be a slow burn, and the other school life of mutual killing still occurs alongside this one. The trials will probably be similar, and if you dont know anything about rc9gn...You should watch it! Its a pretty great show, heh. That's all for now!


Rays of sunlight danced against the wallpaper and bounced off the katana belonging to one Randy Cunningham, a pale, lanky purple haired boy who was currently pointing his weapon directly at his sensei's face. In the blink of an eye, the older man lunged at Randy's knees to throw him off-kilter. As Randy moved to avoid the incoming attack, however, the door slammed open and caused Randy to nearly jump out of his skin. He tripped and stumbled backward in surprise, quickly twisting his body and pointing his sword to face the intruder (or whoever else it may be).

"State your business, civilian!" He barked on instinct, ready to hack and slice if he needed.

"What the juice, Cunningham?! Is this how you always greet your friends?" The person shrieked in response, a clear sense of surprise and terror wavering throughout his voice. Randy immediately pulled the weapon away from his face, mirroring their facial expression.

"Howard! What are you doing here?" He bent over a little and put his hand over his mouth, continuing to talk in a hushed tone as he spoke to the side and pointed towards the sensei standing several feet away from them. "I was kiiinda in the middle of something important, ya know.. Don't wanna make Smith mad!"

"Not cool, dude. You really need to stop pointing your sword at anything that comes in the doorway."

"I told you I'm workin' on it!"

"Well it sure doesn't look like it!"

"Then why're you here? Did you come here just to insult my natural reflexes?" Randy's tone was full of salt as he eyes pierced daggers into Howard's soul, causing Howard to feel a small chill run down his spine. Smith was not happy with the unwelcomed interruption of 'sacred ninja training', stabbing his sword inbetween the floorboards to where it stood up by itself. With much annoyance and both hands on his hips, he turned to scold Howard.

"Boy, what the juice is the meaning of this? You should know that Randy's training is vital to his self defe-"

"Yeah yeah, whatever gramps! Cunningham, you will not BELIEVE what great news I have for you!" Howard blew him off, waving his hand (and temporarily forgetting that Smith wouldn't be able to see that action as he was blind) and lightly shoving the teacher out of his way. Randy felt his hostility soften as it melted away in an instant at the childlike excitement of his friend. A large grin grew on his face – but what could he say? Howard's newfound joy was contagious! He stooped down to better match his short friend's height and propped his head on the top of Howard's hair.

"Whatcha got, buddy?" He drawled his words out, eyes half lidded with a dopey smile to match.

"WE GOT ACCEPTED INTO NORRISVILLE PEAK!" He shouted, waving the letters in his hand even harder. "LOOK! I got accepted as...wait, what? Ultimate Chess Player?!" He groaned. That was a bit of a lame talent to have.. "Why didn't they put me in as Ultimate drummer? I'm better at that than I am chess!"

"Mmm, sorry to burst your bubble my little frijole, but that's where you're wrong." A shit-eating grin consumed Randy's face as Howard frowned and, in a fit of childish annoyance, stuck his tongue out.

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