Chapter 1-New member.

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Louis' P.O.V

It was a beautiful sunny day outside;

The birds were singing happily(not our song) and the sky was clear.

''Hey dude, what are you doing?'' Niall asked me.

''Well I'm just taking a look outside.You?'' I asked.

''Well I'm just eating a sandwich.'' He said.

<<Typically.>> I thought.

''Hey guys, we've got a call.'' Liam said.

He answered the call and put it on speaker.

''Hey boys.'' Uncle Si said.

''Hey, Uncle Simon!'' We said.

''Well guys, you wouldn't believe what news I've got!'' He said, pretty excited.

''What is it?'' We all asked.

''You're gonna have a new member in the group!'' He said.

Everyone seemed to be happy around me, which made me ask myself why I wasn't.

''W-What do you mean new member?'' I asked.

''Well he's very experienced into the singing career and he said he'd like to be in such a lovely band.'' Uncle Si explained.

''W-Well this can't be happening!He wasn't even in X-Factor!He's not one of us.'' I said.

''Well too bad, Louis.But why are you so upset?''Uncle Si said.

''N-Never mind.'' I said, then returned to my seat near the window.

''Well guys, tomorrow you're gonna meet him.Good Bye!'' Simon said.

''Bye!'' They all said.

''Hey Lou, why are you upset?'' Harry asked.

''Oh it's nothing, I'm fine...'' I said and turned around to look outside the window.

''Well aren't you excited that we'll have a new member?'' Niall asked.

''Y-Yes I am! I am bursting with happiness...'' I said, putting on my best fake smile.

I didn't get to meet this guy, but I already didn't like him.

**At the studio**

''Well guys, this is MyleKen.'' He said, pointing to a boy with freckles, grey eyes and long brown hair.

He seemed slim and he had a black guitar with golden yellow around it, like a highlight and it said M.K on it.


''Well,  M., salute the boys.'' Simon said.

''Uh hi.'' He said, smiling warmly to us.

''Hey there.My name is Harry.Nice to meet you.'' Harry said, shaking the boy's hand.

''Hello there, Harry.

''I'm Niall.'' Niall said, shaking his hand-you know how it all goes they all introduce themselves.

**Fast skip to me!**

''Hello there.'' He said.

''Whatevs.'' I said, shaking his hand and not even looking at him.

''Well, let's go into the recording room, shall we?'' Simon said.

''Yes, I just want to ask Louis something, you guys go ahead.'' M. said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2014 ⏰

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