Chapter 2

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Natalie's  Pov
Today is the day, I have been waiting for this day for 16 years. The day of my choosing ceremony. All of my friends and I choose our permanent Factions. Should I choose Dauntless or Erudite. I don't want to leave my friends  and family but if I don't I could be missing an opportunity. I get up out of bed and put on a black dress for the choosing ceremony. I walk into the  living room and over hear my parents talking
Tobias says " Tris do you think she will leave us?"
Tris stares longingly into Tobias's deep blue eyes and says "Tobias it's up to her what she chooses we can't intervene" Tris lays her head on Tobias's shoulder and continues " Just remember even if she does choose Erudite she will have family and she will thrive she is smart. There's nothing we can do it's up to her now there will always be visiting day"
"I have family in Erudite what Mom never told me that "and then I realized I said that out loud my mom and dad stare at me finally
My dad speaks up " you heard everything didn't you"
I nod My mom and Dad stare at each other and I say "look at the clock it's 30 minutes till the choosing ceremony we have to go take the train"

30 minutes later
This is it we have gotten off the train and the names are being called. I couldn't help but wonder about my family in Erudite. To be fair I also don't know what Factions my parents came from. Something tells me whoever they are they won't be happy to see me. I don't know what to do anymore. I look up on stage and see a Dauntless leader on the stage. We elected our leaders last year one of them is some guy named Peter Hayes I don't know who he is but I don't like him and his kid Jackson anyway. Sadly he's the one speaking at this choosing ceremony. Peter clears his Throat. " you are now all 16 you can make choices for yourself, just know to make the right one. Peter says with a tone of depression in his voice, it looks like only I have picked up on that.Now I'm going to read to define the choice so bare with me." The audience laughs, but I stare at the bowls wondering what to choose. Amity, Candor, Abnegation, Dauntless and Erudite. I have to chose to show my qualities  of either Selflessness, Bravery, Honesty, Intelligence or Peaceful. What if I want to be all of them? "One Choice decides your friends, beliefs and Loyalties Amity blame Violence, Candor blame duplicity, Abnegation blame selfishness, Erudite blame  ignorance and Dauntless blame cowardice. I wish you all luck with your choice" one by one each person steps forward. A candor borns name i don't know steps forward  "Lily Abig" she walks up and cuts her hand with the knife and I see her make direct eye contact with me as her drips on the gray stones she looks up at Peter and says" Sir, I meant to spill my blood in the coals" Peter calls out on response " Lilly Abig Abnegation" She quickly runs to join her new faction in tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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