Friend of Mine.

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I got out of my car and walked out of the parking lot. The crew was setting up so I decided to go hang with them until it was time to do this thing.

"I think we're good. We just gotta wait for the guys," Tommy, the camera man, said as we heard to guys talking. I knew it was them, but I took a glance to make sure. Austin laughed at what Alan was saying and I smiled. I'm not gonna lie, I was a fan.

"Hi," Austin said with a smile. "I'm Austin."

"I'm Alan," Alan said. I smiled back at them.

"I'm Swayze, that's Tommy and the guy walking away is Michael," I said, shaking their extended hands. "Are you guys ready to do this thing?"

"Yes," Austin said, smiling down at me.

"Tommy?" I asked and he gave me thumbs up.

"Okay; three, two, one. What's up guys? This is Swayze here with Of Mice & Men. How you guys doing?" I said as Tommy started recording.

"What up?" Austin said.

"Can I get your names and what you do?"

"Umm, I'm Alan, and I play guitar," Alan responded.

"Hi, I'm Austin and I do lead yelling."

"Lead yelling," I giggled under my breath. "Alright, since your band was formed, uhh, there’s been a few member changes, how are you guys feeling about your current line-up?"


"Stoked," Austin said.

"Best ever?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, for sure," Austin replied.

"So what's different? What's changed?" I questioned.

"Uhh, we have a big positive vibe now. Umm, it's just kinda like one big happy family. Before, there's just kinda little things that were eh, eh, eh, but now it's just like, 'Ey! Everybody, we love each other.' It's kinda, almost like a homosexual aspect but it works out 'cause we're just, we love each other. And..." Austin chuckled.

"No," Alan didn't seem pleased, which made Austin laugh.

"These guys say no homo, or slayer," I said, chuckling.

"Yeah," Austin responded.

Alan still wasn't pleased. "Yeah, no."

Austin side hugged Alan. "No, but we love each other. This guy brought the band together."

"No I didn't," Alan disapproved again.

"I think you did."

"Well, we're cool. Everyone's cool and parties and is chill," Alan said to Austin comment.

"Everyone, everyone's favorite member is Alan. If you say, ‘Who's your favorite guy in the band?” They'll all say Alan. Except for me," Austin said with a laugh and looked at Alan. Alan shot him a glare.

"Okay, well, I have a question. If you could trade places with one person in your band, who would it be?" I asked. This was my own question. I would've preferred to ask the entire band, but I took what I could get.

"Uh oh," Alan said, almost nervous to hear Austin's answer.

"And why?" I corrected myself.

"This is tough," Alan said. Austin chuckled. "I would have to say Shay because if I had Shay's voice, I would…" He stared, but Austin cut him off to finish his sentence with an, "I would not be in this band."

Austin and I laughed, and Alan continued his sentence. "I would stay in my bunk all day and sing to myself."

I laughed again before Austin answered.

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