The long lost relative visits

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I haven't heard from my cousin Roberto in ten years and poof! Holy shit! It's him, I'm from Michigan, Roberto moved to Georgia ten or fifteen years ago, but who's counting? I am. He is certainly a character, talented, very intelligent, and hyperactive as a mother fucker. Whoo! And since my life had been in a boring slump, when Roberto came into my home, his guitar case strapped to his back, I gotta admit, I was excited and real happy to see his face! He never ceases to amaze me. The man is a weird kind of dangerous riot, all rolled into one , and when he asked me to drive back down with down him, meet the kids and his wife shit, I was more than ready for adventure,of any kind. And what a ride I had!I most certainly did, and I had the most wild and crazy time. Check that one off my oh fuck it list! You betcha ya ass! And it all started the minute I got into his "saw better days" small car.. Damn, I wish I recorded even half of the funny shit that was in store for my impulsive silly self.

But before we set off on our trip down south, my cousin said he had a pitt stop that he wanted to make first. I didn't care, I was so pumped about getting out of Michigan for six days, to visit my relatives, just to get gone, that when he said he was going to drop by his buddies house to buy some weed, I said that was fine, just don't take all day. I have no love for weed. Makes me paranoid.
But to each, his own. That's what I thought, anyways.

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