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Chapter Thirty


After my argument with Magnus, I had headed back to the Institute, deciding to lock myself away with Clary in her room. Apparently Jace had discovered her plan and told her not to go through with it, only causing her to be even more conflicted with what to do. I sat next to her on her bed as she looked at the picture Magnus had given her of her and her mother, a lock of her mother's hair with it.

"Hey," Clary and I both looked up at Alec's voice, finding him slipping into the room. Clary was quick to look away from him, but I didn't. My brows furrowed slightly, seeing how nervous he seemed, his guilt over Jocelyn's death clearly still eating away at him. "Look, I, uh..."

"Please don't." Clary cut him off.

"Clary, I am so sorry." Alec apologized anyway. "I would do anything, I mean anything, to take back those thirty seconds. To get your mom back."

"Alec, maybe we can get her back." Clary looked up at him, the gears in her head turning.

"What?" He frowned, glancing at me.

"I found a warlock who claims she can do it." Clary informed him.

"My aunt." I added.

"But there are risks." Clary continued, getting up from her bed.

"I'll go with you." Alec offered. "Clary, if there's any chance that we can get your mother back, we have to take it. No matter what happens, I'll be there."

"Okay. Let's do it." Clary smiled, glancing at me. "You coming?"

"Yeah," I nodded, giving them both small smiles.


"This is really your aunt?" Alec asked as we walked up the steps to Iris' home.

"Yep," I nodded, knocking on the door. Alec and I both glanced around, making sure there were no demons or Circle members around, before the door opened. All three of us were met with the unfamiliar face of a dark haired woman in scrubs standing in the doorway.

"Are you here to see Dr. Rouse?" The woman asked us, rubbing her swollen, pregnant, stomach.

"Yes." Clary nodded, her eyes wide. "Um... I... I think she's expecting me. My name's Clary."

"I was indeed expecting you. I only wondered when." Iris spoke up as the woman opened the door wider so we could see Iris standing in the hallway behind her. "And I see you brought a guest. Your boyfriend?"

"Uh, no." Clary shook her head.

"No." Alec frowned at the thought of dating Clary, making me laugh.

"He's, uh," I cleared my throat. "He's my boyfriend."

"Well, leave your weapon outside." Iris instructed him before her eyes went up to my hair, eyeing the daggers that kept it up in place. "You too. Any warlock worth a damn can see through Shadowhunter glamour with ease. Oh, don't worry. It'll be safe in the alcove."

"Fine," Alec sighed as we all stepped inside. He took off his bow and quiver or arrows while I pulled my daggers out and placed them in the corner as well, letting my hair fall past my shoulders.

"Sorry, did you bring your mother's..." Iris trailed off.

"Uh, her hair. Yes." Clary nodded.

"Perfect." Iris smiled as she led us down the hall. "Nurse Leigh will help you with the paperwork."

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