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1 week and 4 days later

justin knew he had to do something, he couldn't stay quiet, selena is in somewhat danger, and he had to do something. but what would he do?

it has been too long since he texted or talked to her over the phone, he thought.

he tried calling, of course, no answer.

this "will" would text for her, instead of her, and justin didn't like it at all. he wanted to text her, not some other boy. the thought of a boy over on her phone, made him want pull out his hair and scream. but he didn't, he kept his cool.

justin did not care at all, if will was her dad, her brother, her friend, or her boyfriend. he didn't like the thought of this guy with selena.

justin, without realizing, was catching feelings for a girl on the other side of his screen. he didn't want to admit his feelings, but he cared to much. he never met her but he got to know her, that's all what was needed in their relationship. each other. themselves. that's all.

2 days later

(a/n sorry im skipping days a lot)

he changed quickly, setting his food out, ready to eat, then go to sleep. it was a long day at the studio, scooter was blabbering about things he had to get done but justin wasn't listening, his mind was on a girl whom he hadn't have contact for almost 2 weeks.

he thought of her, and what's has been going on with her. she was in horrible conditions? she had bad health?

justin wanted to help, was she okay?

justin grabbed his phone and went straight to his king sized bed, he set his phone on his wooden dresser, he checked the time, '11:32'.

but something got his eye, his dear selena had texted him.

selena; hi, sorry i was gone for so long but i am a-okay(:
4 minutes ago

his eyes flashed before his life, he swiped his phone so fast, used both of his thumbs and typed his password.

went straight to his messages, his heart pumping faster than his typing thumbs.

justin; selena i miss YOU
justin; are you okay?

he didn't want to stop texting her, never, ever.

selena; im fine, i miss you too

justin; are you sure? selena please

selena; yeah im fine
selena; my friend was lying i wasn't in any horrible conditions i am fine i promise.

my friend.
justin was alright again, selena was okay and will isn't her boyfriend, everything was normal again, selena would still text him like usual. justin thought it was some mishap that happened and that was the last of it.

or so he thought, things that went all around his head.

but selena wasn't alright, she was broken, she was in pain, she felt nothing for herself.

later that night they said goodnight to each other, feeling two different emotions.

justin was happy with excitement, while selena layed on her bed thinking about the things that didn't matter, but she thought it did.

lmao this is so bad.

but anyways i wanted a little bit more meaning to this book.

okay so i don't really like the first few chapter i made so i will most likely redo them, i won't change the plot or anything but just few changes!!

like i said i want more meaning to this book, i started this off for just fun but now it means more to me. so yeah

sorry this is bad, i suck at 3rd person lol

anyways enjoy, sorry for blabbering to much

this isn't edited haha im hella lazy

so if there is any errors just feel free to tell me

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