Swept Away: Chapter 1: Amazing Boyfriends and Protective Brothers.

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                               "Life itself is the most wonderful fairytale of all."

                                            —    Hans Christian Andersen

"You know I hate the idea of you being with him." Harry told me as I made a face.

"But it's already planned! You cant just stop me from going to see him!" I said. Brothers dont know anything about anything.

"Malfoy is just an arse and he is definitely up to something. You are not going, no way!" He shook his head.

We were sitting in the Gryffindor common room. Harry on one side of the table and I on the other. Hermione and Ron were studying on either side of Harry. I could see Ron was smiling behind his text book.

"He has a first name, Harry. And you can't stop me from going!!" I flipped my blonde curls behind my shoulders. 

"And you're a year younger than the git!" Harry continued like I hadn't said anything. I groaned. Harry always thought because I was a 6th year, I couldn't do anything even relatively adult like.

"I am going and that is final!" I retorted standing up. Harry was the one who moaned this time.

"Alicia. Why don't you ever listen to me?"

"Why do I have to?" Ron laughed at me this time. I just gave him a deathly look. He stopped laughing but kept the smirk on his face.

"Well obviously you never do, but you should!"

"You never listened to Petunia and Vernon!?!" Harry had finally been able to move out. I was still stuck there, it could have been worse. Petunia liked me better than Harry at least.

"Neither do you Alicia." I laughed at him. Then looked up at the clock on the wall.

"I have to go and get ready" I gushed, already excited for my special night. Harry shook his head as I danced up the stairs with enthusiasm. I went to my dorm. Once in side I knelt down by my trunk. I could hear my brother talking below.

"She just doesn't get it." Harry complained.

Hermione laughed. "You cant protect her forever Harry."

Harry sighed. "From him- I'll try almost anything."

"Does he even like her? I mean, is he just trying to get to you?" Ron asked.

 I rolled my eyes at his comment before looking for something beautiful to wear from my trunk.

"I can't tell. He seems to like her... but what boy isn't attracted to her?" Harry asked. There was a pause and then they burst out laughing. I looked for something to add to it.  I looked in the mirror.

"Harry, you know, he may just into her." Hermione said like it was obvious. I went to the mirror to add a coat of mascara.

"Well that would be something. I'm just worried for her, you know?" He said with concern. I slid sparkly eye liner under and above my eyes.

"Yeah, mate. Shes younger he's older! I would be worried too! It's Malfoy for God sakes." Ron added. I rolled my eyes upstairs.

"It's not just that. What if he breaks her heart?" Harry asked in a grumbled tone. I brushed more mascara on. I glanced in the mirror again. 

"Then... Then we'll break him! We'll get him!" Ron exclaimed.

"Ron!" Hermione laughed. I put on some lipstick and smacked my lips together. I pulled my hair back letting the curls fall however they wanted. My light brown freckles were laid across my upper cheeks and nose and I lightly powdered the before checking my look.

Swept AwayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora