chapter three

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Abrielle watched as Phil and Louise talked to Percy about nothing and everything all at once, Louise's long blond hair waved in the slight breeze that took over the great hall. Phil then turned to Dan and they started talking about quidditch a game neither of the boys could actually play, but they went to all the Slytherin matches for Abrielle, even though they hated the sport.

"So why am I sitting with you I'm mean no offence but we aren't really supposed to mix..." Percy asked, he blushed as Dan scoffed at him, maybe Dan should tone it down a little, Phil isn't going to leave his best friend for Percy freaking Weasley.

"Well that was Phil and Zoe's idea, they just wanted to see if you were just a goody two shoes, I think you exceeded expectations by just sitting down Percy, so how would you feel about going with us to hogsmead this weekend?" Dan explained and asked to Percy, Percy smiled at the group, watching as Abrielle flashed a quick smile at the boy, Dan was still smirking, with Phil accompanied by a huge smile sat beside him, Zoë smirked and rolled her eyes, and Louise answered for Percy, she always reminded him of his mother for some reason...

"Oh of course he will come, don't be daft he fits right in, right Phil?" Louise answered for him, Phil nodded his head up and down as he scarfed down some pancakes, classic Phil.

" Well now that that's settled maybe I should go, Charlie's waiting for me. " Percy said, Phil's soft blush at his brothers name not escaping his eye.

" Phil, Dan why don't you walk with him, I mean Dan you said something about having to talk to Charlie about something why don't you just get it over with" Abrielle said smiling wickedly at Phil, who was still blushing, and she smirked at Dan who looked furious, oh those two...

"Yeah...okay c'mon then " Percy said, walked away leaving Phil and Dan to follow him.

" I hate you" Dan muttered to Abrielle as he walked away, following Phil like a lost puppy dog.

"So Phil are you and Dan together? I mean I know you were kicked out of your home for being gay but like, are you and Dan fags?" Percy asked, Phil blushed and rushed to say that no, they were just friends.

" No, there's nothing between Dan and  I " Phil explained as Dan walked up to them, he looked between Phil and Percy and immediately went to further explanation.

"Yeah we're just friends, I'm not queer " Dan announced, everyone around him rolled their eyes.

"Okay well here's Charlie I'm just gonna go now, you two have fun..." Percy said, as Dan stared his famous stare only for Phil at Phil.

"Oh okay bye Perce" Phil said as they walked away talking about random things.

"Why was Percy asking about us Phil?" Dan asked, Phil just sighed and walked away it was obvious, Phil fancied Dan, but Dan was straight.

I know it's been a while, and this chapter is a bit different than the other one but I want Phil and Dan to get together sometime, anyways would you like me to do a spin-off with Phil and Dan? Please tell me... Anyways Abrielle and Percy's relationship wasn't really furthered in this chapter but soon I promise.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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