Chapter One: The Email

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I was sitting in my room looking at my computer and I couldn't believe what I email from the Dolan twins asking me if I wanted to do a YouTube collab with them. I've already read it about 100 times but I still couldn't believe what I saw.

"Dear Julie, this is Ethan and Grayson aka the Dolan twins and we wanted to know if you would like to do a collab with us on our YouTube channel, contact us with the information below...."

Why out of all the YouTube channels would they pick me? I only have 300k subscribers and I make beauty and diy videos that only get about 100k views, this seems so unreal, like a prank or something, should I call? I had to call my best friend first to let her know what was going on.

She immediately picked up like always
"What's up"
"Hey Skylar, I have important news"
"Well what is it"
"The Dolan twins wants to do a collab with me on YouTube!"
All I heard was obnoxious laughing on the other end
"Nice joke,ha ha ha, what's the real news?"
"I'm not joking Skylar"
"Prove it"
"I have a email from them"
"Yeah , come over and see it"
"I'm on my way"


Julie is crazy, there's no way the Dolan twins would want to do a collab with her, they're way too famous for her.

I hopped on my bike and pedaled as fast as I could, I got there in about 5 minutes.

I hopped off and knocked on her door, all I heard was feet loudly Running down the stairs.

Julie opened the door with her hair looking a mess and a big smile on her face.

"Are you okay?" I said
"Yeah, I'm totally fine, come on in I'll show ya!"

We went up stairs straight into her room and I couldn't believe what I saw.

"This has to be fake" I said
"It may be, but the only way to find out is to call"

I looked at her and she looked at me.

She quickly dialed the number off the screen.

"Put it on speaker" I said


I couldn't believe I was calling someone who may be the Dolan twins.

The phone rung for so long that it seemed like an hour.

Someone finally picked up.

"Hello" he said, it sounded kinda like Grayson,but I wasn't sure.

"Is this Grayson Dolan?" I asked

Sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger, lol, but chapter two is coming really soon, Also if you find any mistakes in grammar please tell me so i can fix it,thanks for reading:)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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