You're *Not* Welcome

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(That's my dog)

Jk your are! Only if you treat me and everybody in this book with respect!
Warning, there will be swearing in extreme instances (i.e my dog dies)

So if you're reading this please enjoy your self! And check out my other books!

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One last thing... I have an invisible friend, and his name is Jackie Coaths! He IS real, he talks to me all the time ^^

He doesn't tell me bad stuff, he tells me funny stuff, and stuff like 'dont hit that person's whenever I'm mad. -Qibli- knows he's real, even she doesn't hear him.

So sometimes when I answer you or write in this book, it will be this:
Jackie: ur weird
Me: I know

Y'all good with that!

Ok bye!

Don't not like yourself, it's bad for you

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