It Started with You Part 6

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(3 Weeks later)

Hinata: *I wonder what N-Naruto Kuns doing?....* she dresses into her school uniform

(Hanabi enters)

Hanabi: "Ewwww......gross..." She covers her eyes

Hinata: "Ugh! Get out of my room Hanabi! You're suppose to knock first."

(Hanabi knocks on her door)

Hanabi: "Can I come in now?.."

(She pushes her little sister out the door)

Hinata: "Stay out!" She closes the door

Hinata: "What time is it?" She looks at her clock (7:45)

Hinata: "Ooohhh I'm going to be so late!" She grabs her backpack and leaves out through the door and out her house to catch her train

(5 minutes later after all the running)

Hinata: "I made it..." She sighs with relief as she holds onto a pole

People in train:
"Woah....she's fricking hot..."
"Damn....she can walk...."
"Her hair is sooo pretty!"

Hinata: *Whats with these people all of a sudden...* she turns around and sees a fine pale skinned girl with light green eyes along with luscious short pink hair

Hinata: *S-so...pretty...* she stares at her

(The pink hair girl smiles at her)

Pink hair girl: "May I join you?..."

(Hinata nods her head as she goes closer by her)

Pink hair girl: "Cute outfit, whats the name of your high school that you go to?" She looks at her outfit

Hinata: "Umm...Konoha High..." She smiles a bit

Pink hair girl: "What! Konoha High?!? Same here! I just happen to move here..."

Hinata: "O-oh....d-do you need any assistance?...I can show you around the place if you want?.."

Pink hair girl: "Really?!? Thanks! But you do know that we're going to be late...right?..."

Hinata: "O-oh yeah..." She looks to the ground

Sakura: "Now, now...don't be so gloomy, by the way...what's your name?"

Hinata: "M-my name?...Hinata Hyuuga..."

Pink hair girl: "Hinata? Ahh nice to meet you Hinata. My name is Sakura Haruno...I hope we have some classes together!" She smiles as the doors to the train open

Sakura: "Shall we go?.."

(She knods)

(10 minutes later)

Hinata: "Well...this is Konoha High..." She looks at the school

Sakura: "Wow! It's so big!..."

Naruto: "Hey! Hinata! What took you so long?!?" He runs down and hugs her

Hinata: "S-sorry Naruto Kun...I woke up late this m-morning.."

Naruto: "Oh...I see....who's your new friend?.." He looks at Sakura

(Sakura smiles at him)

Hinata: "Th-this is Sakura Haruno, she's n-new here.."

Naruto: "Oh she is? Wow....nice to meet you Sakura"

Sakura: "Nice to meet you too...Naruto is it?"

Naruto: "Mhmmm..."

Sakura: "So you two are going out?"

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