Eau de Pew

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A young woman dressed in the finest clothes and adorning designer oval sunglasses, sipped her cappuccino delicately while reading Sorcerer's Weekly. Her perfectly French manicured nails tap against the ceramic cup, unaware of a predator approaching from behind.

He studied his target warily. She wore a black long-sleeve dress with a purple scarf wrapped loosely around her neck. Her perfect legs were defined gorgeously by the dark tights she wore underneath the dress that was more of a tunic, since it hardly reached her mid-thigh. A body to kill for, usually balanced on stiletto-heeled black leather boots with spikes adorning and wrapping around the ankle.

Her perfect brown hair brushes against her shoulders, with that bright purple strip framing the right side of her face, under a lopsided periwinkle beret.

"Mademoiselle! I have arrived! Your parfum is excellent as always." Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki cries aloud when he leaps out from his hiding spot.

The young woman turns and lowers her shades, revealing bright neon-electric violet eyes. Eyes full of charisma and charm, she stands. Pointing at the nuisance, she shouts, "Madame Fleur! Attack ze ugly one!"

A fat pink skunk with a black silk ribbon bow around its neck, jumps and shoots its deadliest weapon.

Once the pink clouds disappear, Ichiya lay on his side, twitching. "Such strong parfum..." He mutters, before Mademoiselle Elle pulls out a giant hammer with a great purple heart on each end and spikes wrapped around its middle.

"Meet mine beautiful fury!" Elle shouts again with a mighty swing, sending Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki soaring far, far away. She returns to her cappuccino a grin on her face. Looking at the page she had been interrupted from reading.

"We must alwayz keep up wiz ze appearancez, non?" She asks the skunk, before it purrs in reply.

"Oh Jazon, you idiot...zat's ze wrong name for zat new trend."

Elle tuts in disappointment, turning the page, smirking at said reporter's fashion disaster.

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