Who are those little kids?!

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~Who are those little kids?!~
Bilbo Baggins updated his status:
I'm on the beach! @ImmortalIslands
Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel, Thranduil and 20.000 others like this post
Samwise Gamgee: @Rosie Gamgee why aren't we going on holiday? Gondor seems nice?!
Rosie Gamgee: weren't you pruning the hedge?
Pippin Took: wow Bilbo, is it hot over there?
Merry Brandybuck: and how is your cousin Frodo?
Frodo Baggins: uncle Bilbo, what are you doing on the beach?! It's snowing outside! Btw I am fine Merry, tnx for asking!
*Bilbo started a private chat with Frodo*
Bilbo: I'm on the beach with Gandalf
Frodo: why?
Bilbo: We're trying to shoot my new book to the Shire...
Frodo: why do you need Gandalf for that?
Bilbo: we're trying it with his firework
Frodo: okeey, can't you just sent it with an Eagle, they're coming every month!
*a few minutes later*
Frodo Baggins has updated his status:
I feel lonely...
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Pippin Took: why are you laughing?
Thorin Oakenshield: EREBOR
Merry Brandybuck: what's with Erebor?
Thorin Oakenshield: the LONELY mountain!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHA!!!!
Kili Durin: Uncle, go back to your afternoon nap! You need it!
Fili Durin: yes, because you are old!!
Kili Durin: *high fives with Fili*
Pippin Took has post a message on Thorin's wall:
How do you know we have Facebook??!!
Frodo, Sam, Merry, Gandalf and 20 others like this post
Thorin Oakenshield: I've liked the LOTR-Fanpage
Frodo Baggins: DO WE HAVE ONE?!! 0.0
Frodo Baggins: who has made it?!
Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, Thorin, Fili, Kili and 33,000,000,000 like this comment
Isildorn: not me...
Frodo Baggins: Sorry, but who R U?
Isildorn has logged off
Eleya: again...
Frodo Baggins: What ''again''?!!!
Eleya: he has logged off again
Frodo Baggins: btw who R U?
Eleya has logged off
Frodo Baggins: WHAT THE SAURON IS THIS??!!
Sauron the Dark Lord #I' M BACK!! FEAR ME!!: did anyone call my name?!
Samwise Gamgee: no.
Merry Brandybuck: no.
Boromir of Gondor: nein.
Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir of Isildur: @Boromir, why are you talking German.
Boromir of Gondor: I don't know.
Frodo Baggins has updated his status:
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