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Music had always been her escape, but not this time. There was no way she could escape this, or at least that's what she thought.

She could still see the car wreck in her head, the face of her mother when she realized what was going to happen just moments later, but she knew it was too late. Her mother had forgot to put on her seatbelt and was suddenly thrown into the windshield while her father hit his head on the steering wheel. Her mother's purse got tossed around the car, and Nyx could see it hitting the car radio, it smashed and the famous 'purple rain' by Prince could no longer be heard in the car. Nyx didn't really understand what actually happened, but she was shocked. A sudden pain in her stomach caused her to shriek, and her vision started to get blurry and soon everything was black.

Stay alive, she could hear Tyler Joseph's voice singing her favorite lyrics, but she didn't believe it anymore. Her eyes wouldn't open, no matter how hard she tried, and she was terrified. At that point she didn't know if she was alive, and even if she was, she didn't want to be. She could so vividly remember what had happened, and even if no one actually had confirmed it to her, she knew that her parents were no more. How could they be? She had seen them before she blacked out, she had seen how they were both red, covered in blood. For her, it looked like it was all taken out of a movie, but she knew that it was unfortunately real life. It was what her life had become, how her life had changed in just a matter of seconds.

Suddenly she started hearing this voice, and it talked to her. It told her it would be okay, and that she would be okay. She was sure that it was a woman's voice, but who was she? Was she some sort of angel, that god had sent to bring her to heaven? But if she was, then why could she still feel the pain? Then she understood who she was; a nurse. She had to be, and Nyx had to be in the hospital. Someone had found their car and called 911, maybe her parents would be okay then? If they got help, then they would be okay.

A few moments later Nyx started hearing this beeping, and she recognized the sound. It was a heart monitor. Her mother was a nurse, and she used to come with her to work sometimes when she was little, so she had both seen and heard one many times. The heart monitor confirmed her suspicion about being in the hospital. WAKE UP she told herself, but she just couldn't. Someone please help me, she tried saying out loud, but no one heard her.

It had been quiet for hours, and she had a lot of time to think about everything that had happened, and she had also started doubting that her parents were alive. She just had this feeling inside her, and it wasn't a good one. It was one that told her something was wrong. Suddenly a familiar melody could be heard, and she recognized it at once. It was "Kitchen sink." A song where the concept is that humans are always struggling when it comes to purpose, they're all trying to find out what their purpose is, what the point is. This made her think about the situation she was in, what was the point of staying alive when all else seemed to go downhill? As she started thinking about this, she remembered something that the vocalist in the band once said; "when you're in the room by yourself trying to decide whether to stay alive, you can tell yourself 'I should probably stay alive because I'm the only one who knows the meaning of that thing'." This made her realize that she was the only one who knew the meaning of her own life, only she knew what she was supposed to do with it.

She could suddenly open her eyes, and there, standing right by the bed, was a familiar blue haired boy. Jacob Daniels, her only older brother, whom she in fact hadn't seen for 6 years. She grinned as wide as she could, and he flung his arms around her. "I knew you would wake up," he said, still giving her a bone-crushing hug. "It was you who played the song?" she asked confused, how could he know that it would trigger something in her head? He nodded, and then he called for a nurse. "If I promise to look after her with my life, is she good to go? We have something very important to do," he asked as politely as he could as soon as she entered the room. "No! Most definitely not! She has to stay here for at least two more days," she sternly said and was about to leave again, but he stopped her. Nyx was really confused at this point, why was it so important for her brother to leave?

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