Chapter 3: Grilled Cheese

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Seeing the Curtis house again gave me a bit of anxiety.  After not being around Tulsa for a while and the gang, it seemed hard to recall my past-life.  I guess in this case, I need to recall it.  

Darry pulled up to the curb to the house and parked the truck.  Darry, Ponyboy, and Sodapop were sitting in the front while May and I sat in the back with Steve.  The others were going to meet up with us later.  Darry helps Sodapop get out of the car and was assisted by Steve.  Soda was still highly medicated and not quite with it.  They immediately plopped him on the couch the moment they opened the front door.  

“I’ll make him a grilled cheese.” Darry announced, “Does that sound good bud?” He asked to Soda.

Soda gave a little nod, which no one knew if it meant that he wanted the grilled cheese or was beginning to doze off. 

Steve joked, “Take it Sally taught Superman over here to cook.”  

“That’s a first,” Ponyboy scoffed.

I was surprised Darry didn’t slap either one of them maybe because they were so far away… just in time? May jumped up on the busted couch next to father.  She kicked her feet patiently over the side then maneuvered on top of Soda. 

I picked her up, “Daddy isn’t feeling that swell, okay love? We have to let him sleep for a little bit then he’ll play.”  

She looked disappointed, but nodded, “When can daddy play?” She whispered.

I pursed my lips, “Soon, but in the meantime I’m sure Uncle Ponyboy wants to play.”

Pony understood and took her out to the back and tried playing hopscotch with her keeping her out of the trouble.  The Socs were still a problem around certain areas.  I kind of missed the whole feud, it always made my adrenaline rush and I love that kind of stuff. 

Soda was out cold and when I say out cold I mean like he looked like someone just hit him over the head with a brick.  Steve, Darry, and I sat around the table.  All our hands and fists were clenched.  We kept glancing back and forth at each other and Sodapop.

We had to think up some kind of plan.  “You heard what the doctor said, we just have to let things settle out and let him slip back into reality, into his life.”  Darry said.

“Well what if he doesn’t.  What if he’ll stay confused and won’t get better?” Steve asked.  Steve can be serious at times besides acting macho.  He also had a sensitive side and you could definitely tell that this impacted that part of his personality deeply. 

“I guess we wait.” I said as I shifted in my seat.  “I mean how are we supposed to do this.  How do we let him ‘slip back into reality’.” I quoted. 

“Replay things that happened?  Show him pictures of mom and dad.  Reenact how we formed the gang?  How you guys met.” Darry indicated towards me.

I paused, “Like repeat our first date, everything?  From my window to the Dingo to…” I paused again, “Sandy?”  I absolutely hated talking about her and that was and had always been my worst nightmare going through that whole experience again. 

“If that’s what it takes, then yeah.” Replied Darry. 

Steve interjected, “Does that mean I have to rebuild our whole friendship?”  It looked like he was about to start crying.  I completely understood what he was going through and feeling.  That feeling when you lost something so important to you and you just didn’t know if it would ever come back to you or would ever by normal again.  It’s just the constant fear that you’ve just lost everything you ever cared about. 

The conversation continued for a good thirty minutes and the questions just kept coming.  Luckily, the rest of the gang arrived to cheer things up, but they were also in a bummed mood.  We all found ourselves sitting in the living room just waiting.  Waiting for answers, waiting to see if our Sodapop comes back, waiting if things will ever go back to normal.  We have never been so broken.   

Breaking Down, Wishing Away (Sodapop Curtis Love Story) {SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now