Chapter 10: Grouchy Zayn

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A/N: Boop, yay we finally reached double digits for the chapters, woo! I honestly just came up with the title bc, well bc that’s what it’s mainly revolving around.

Zayn’s grouchiness.

Dedication goes to @b-ieber cause she’s such a lovely person who deserves a million hugs and her new story Ribs is just fabulous xx

Enjoy guys ^.^

Zayn stared at the customers in front of him, the couple practically cooing at each other while they decided what they wanted to order, with an almost permanent scowl on his face. “Are you gonna order or what?”

The man sighed happily, “We would, but this little cutie wants a chocolate chip muffin, while I want banana nut.”

The girl giggled, “I told him to just get what he wanted, but he just wants everything for me, don‘t you, babe?”

“Anything for my princess,” He smiled at her, so much love in their eyes, Zayn thought it was disgusting.

So Zayn did what he thought was right, he went over to the muffins, grabbed a chocolate chip one and a banana nut one, came back, and threw them both at the couple. “Here! Take both, just, please, go the fuck away.”

One of the muffins hit the man in the face, “What the fuck is your problem?” He looked back over to his girlfriend, “Let’s get the hell out of here, this guy’s crazy.”

The woman only nodded, dumbfounded at the fact an employee just threw muffins at them, they both stormed out in haste to get away from Zayn.

“Come back when you’re both fucking single!” Zayn yelled.

Louis stared at him, sipping on his coffee, and having just watched the scene unfold in front of him, “Well aren’t you just a bundle of joy?”

“I’m going on break!” Zayn yelled back to Liam, who was doing god knows what in the storage closet (probably avoiding Louis). Zayn took off the apron and threw it aside, walking up to an empty booth and sitting down, rolling his eyes when he saw Louis sit in front of him. “I don’t want to hear it, Lou.”

“You’re being ridiculous, you realize that, right?” Louis eyed him warily, not enjoying this new, angry Zayn.

He scoffed, “I’m not, those two were being disgusting in front of me, and I didn’t want to deal with it,”

Louis nodded, “You’re right, I mean the way they just stood there, deciding on what to order like normal people, so disgusting, I have no idea why you haven’t quit after those two.”

“Sarcasm noted, Louis. I just hate couples, alright? Leave me the hell alone.” Zayn sighed, trying his hardest not think about a certain curly haired guy.

Louis shrugged and stared at Zayn, giving him the this is all of your fault look, “I doubt it’s the couples, Zee, it’s Harry, and you know it. You have no reason to be upset, he gave you a chance, idiot.”

“Oh, just like you’re upset over Liam even though—” Zayn shut his mouth; he knew he had a point, but it’s something he couldn’t talk about without Louis hating him for life.

“Look,” Louis began, obviously ignoring Zayn’s previous comment, “The way I see it, you have exactly one week before Harry leaves. You can either continue sulking around like you have been for the last week, or you can go to him and beg him to forgive you for being a complete arse, I suggest the latter.”

Zayn sighed and was about to answer when, speaking of the devil, Harry and Niall both walked in. Niall, of course, saw them, smiled and walked over to them, Harry cautiously following, not knowing what else to do.

Niall smiled, “Hey, Lou,” he nodded at Zayn, “Grouchy Zayn,”

Zayn stared at Niall, forcing himself not to look at Harry, “Grouchy Zayn? Is this going to be a thing now?”

“Yep,” Niall nodded, “As long as you’re grouchy, you’re going to be grouchy Zayn.”

Harry was faced the other way, trying to avoid them, but he couldn’t help himself. “You wouldn’t be grouchy if you weren’t so stupid…” Harry mumbled.

Zayn couldn’t help himself either, he glared at Harry’s back, “What was that, Styles?”

He turned around to face Zayn, a frown on his face, “So now we’re calling each other by our last names?”

Louis pinched Niall’s arm, “What the hell have you done?”

“Ow!” Niall slapped Louis’ hand, “It wasn’t on purpose, maybe they’ll just—”

“Yeah, well, I’m too pissed at you to even mumble your name.” Zayn said.

Harry shook his head, “We wouldn’t even have problems if you weren’t so… well, you,”

Zayn laughed, it wasn’t a cheery one, “Oh, so now my whole existence is the problem, sorry we can’t all be perfect like you, if you consider leaving your significant other to another country for your shit band perfect.”

“It’s my goddamn dream, Zayn! Why do you insist on taking that away from me for your own selfish reasons?!” Harry yelled.

Zayn only shook his head, on the verge of tears; he refused to cry in front of Harry, he actually always refused to cry in front of anyone. He got up and shoved past Harry, “I’m not dealing with this shit again, leave me alone,” he stormed out of the coffee shop without a second glance.

The three of them just stared at each other, an awkward silence filling the room. They weren’t sure what to do, Harry was already crying again, Louis and Niall were pinching each other (Louis started it), but they were all upset, already figuring out that their group of friends would have to disperse, knowing Zayn would force Niall and Louis to not talk to Harry anymore.

The bell above the door ringing caught their attention, an upset, red-eyed Zayn walked in again (he obviously wiped his tears while he was outside). Harry looked at him expectantly, but Zayn only shook his head, “I work here, and I’m pretty sure ‘storming out angrily’ will get me fired, so, Styles, please leave the premises.”

Harry nodded and wiped his eyes with his hand before leaving the shop.

Zayn sighed in relief and went back to the cash register, putting on his apron again, not even caring that Liam never left the closet and took over for him, and speaking of Liam…

Liam came out almost angrily, eyes red, and cheeks all blotchy from crying. He stomped up to Louis and glared at him, “I’m tired of this, tired of ignoring my feelings for you, tired of you treating me like I’m nothing but scum… Why are you hurting me…?”


A/N: I didn’t know how else to end this chapter, I just really wanted to get into Lilo and their story, Zarry is obviously broken up.

So here’s half humorous half sad.

Good enough, am I right?

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :D, I think it was… Okay, I guess, I never really like my writing anyway.

But yeah, vote, share, comment, feedback is always the best thing you could ever do for me bc I love it so much.

Oh yeah, and thanks for the 300 followers! You’re all so amazing and supportive and I wouldn’t even have an account on here anymore if it weren’t for you guys, so thank you so much for just being you xx

I love you so much xxxxxx <33

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