Of swords, goblins and a womans anger

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The high king was furious for the rest of that day and the weeks to come was easily provoked after what he had seen in the crystal that his wife show him after the Goblin King had left. But they all had agree, they would keep Sarah as a secret until the day she would come of age and until then the three if of them would help out with the training of said champion.

It has been a few months since Oswin took Sarah with her down to her new life and she was starting to settle in. She had not have any more nightmares since her first night and she was starting to feel a bit stronger, if it was because of the fea power growing in her or she was just more at home down here she did not really know.

The sun was shining in to the dark ebony colored bedroom and Sarah had just got up from her bed and had just pulled on her night robe as a knock could be heard at her door.

"Sarah, are you up?" Oswin voice could be heard and Sarah smiles to herself. Oswin have been making sure she was up and alright every morning since she got here. "Yes Oswin, I'm up!" Sarah calls as she walks towards the walking closet to pick out her clothing of the day.

"What's on the schedule today?" Sarah then asks and she could hear Oswin leaning towards the door. "Basic magic training, I think mother wanted to go over a few history points with you and I thought we could go down to the shooting rink, I want to see if you would be able to handle a bow and arrow." Oswin answers Sarah.

"Sound good." She got as a reply and Oswin smiles. "I will be back when it is time to start, father seemed to be on a bad mode so I'm going to see what it is now." Oswin says and Sarah looks towards the door. "Has he not been in quite a bad mode for a long time?" She asks and Oswin lowers her head.

"True, but he was starting to get better so I think something most have put him off again." Oswin says with a sigh. "Well, good luck with that!" Sarah calls and Oswin smiles a little. "Thank you." She says as she starts to walk away from the bedroom door and out to the corridor. She soon walked in to the sitting room of her parents room and Oswin walks over to give her mother a kiss before she sits down beside her to look at her father that was mumbling something under his breath.

"And time!" Oswin says and Raul stops and looks towards his daughter. "Good, got your attention. Now father dear. Do you want to tell us what is on your mind or do I have to come up with another plan?"Oswin asks and lifts one eyebrow as a challenge but her mother swapped her on the leg without even looking up from the papers she was reading.

"It's the Goblin king. He is letting his land fall in to more and more darkness for every year and the other lands has started to notice and they are questioning if he is a good fit or if they should find a new one to take over the throne. I have warned him to many times already but he is to much of an idiot to listen." Raul says and Oswin only shakes her head and Natássa lowers down the papers she was reading. "Going over there again?" The high queen asks but gets only a grunt from the high king in response.

Oswin leans back and soon starts to smile. "How about a tread, I will go and talk to the stupid Goblin king and you will start training Sarah in to use a sword." she says. "Sounds good, where is the that young woman?" Raul asks, suddenly in a good spirit and he walks out from the sitting room. Oswin looks after her father and she blinks a bit.

"What... Just... Happen?" She says and looks towards her mother. "Seems like you are going to visit the Goblin king." Natássa says. "Yeah I got that, I mean the part where father gets happy to train someone in handling a sword. He was always trying to find other things to do when he was to train me." Oswin says.

"Well, you were not the only one that blamed yourself for what happen all those years ago my dear." Natássa says and Oswin looks down. "Yeah, your right." she says and they sits quiet for a while before Oswin raises up. "Well, better get going so that I can save Sarah from father a bit sooner then." She says with a smile as she creates a crystal and drops it to the ground and was soon gone. The high queen only shakes her head about her family and she returns back to her reading once more, happy about the pice and quiet.


Oswin soon finds herself in the throne room of the Goblin castle and she quickly covers her ears to shut out the high level of noise the drunk goblins were making. Oswin looks around herself only to see that the Goblin king in fact was not in his throne and she takes a deep breath.

"QUIET!" she soon screams and all the goblins stops dead, the only ones that is moving was the chickens as they were running away from the goblins. Oswin lowers her hands from her ears and looks at the goblins around her. "Much better, now where is the king?" She asks, her voice sharp and hard and the goblins swallowed a little as the points towards the door that would lead to the esher room and Oswin rolls her eyes.

"Of course he is in there." she says with a dry voice as she started to walk towards the room. It had been to room where they had found him in a few days after Sarah had beaten the Labyrinth and he had spent all of his free time in there ever since. He might of have seen happy and well when he was meeting with her parents at home but they all knew just how sad he really was.

Oswin stops at the door opening in to the esher room and looks at all the stairs, how he managed to find his way through this room was still a big mystery an she was not in the mode to get lost this day. "Oi! Jareth! Get your lazy glittery ass here at once!" She calls in to the room and it did not take long before Jareth was standing in front of her, not overly happy about the comment she just made.

"What are you doing here?" He asks with a growl and Oswin looks at him. "Gezz man, when was the last time you got any sleep? You look like crap." Oswin says and she earns yet another growl from Jareht but before he was able to say or do anything he finds himself being slapped over his cheek hard and Oswin takes a good grip on his shirt and pulls him towards him.

"Now you listen to me oh mighty Goblin king. Well, not very mighty anymore if I have to say anything. It is time you crawl back out from that bloody room and start to take good care of your kingdom mister before you losses it. And how would you think the girl you love would return to you once more only to see who things looks like now, or worst, she would wish herself away but was picked up by someone else because the other lands have decided to kick you of that throne. And you know we can't lose the hold of this land." Oswin says, her eye were narrowed as she looked at Jareth who was deadly still in her grip.

Oswin soon let's go if his shirt and she crosses her arms, anger shining from her eyes. "So, what are you going to do? Keep acting like a spoiled loser or actually do something good for once in your life?" Oswin then adds with a small growl and Jareth looks back in to the esher room and he lets out a sigh.

"Your right." He says before he turns to stand a bit tall in front of her but he did not dear to hold his head higher than Oswins. "Time to rebuild this whole place." He says and Oswin nods his head. "Good, now if you excuse me I have to return back home to have a look over my own work." she says but she was gone before Jareth had chance to ask her what that work was. But he only shake his head and started to walk towards his office to get started on what needed to be done.


Oswin returns to the high castle and she lets out a sigh she did not know she had been holding in. She takes a few more deep breath before she starts to walk towards the training yard and stops to smile when she sees her father going over with Sarah how she was supposed to be standing and how to move the wooden sword in her and correctly and Oswin leans towards one of the pillars.

After 30 minutes she could see that Sarah was starting to get tired and she moves away from the pillared and starts to clap her hands as she walks towards them. "Good, good. Well since I have slowed the problem my dear father has not been able to do I think it is now time for some lunch for you Sarah." She says and both Sarah and Raul turns to look at her.

Sarah smiles at the sound of Oswin but Raul looks at her with surprised eyes. "You managed to do what?" He asks and Oswin only nods her head. "How in the name if underground did you manage to do that?" he asks and Oswin only smiles a bit mysterious.


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