💖 It Pains Me So 💖

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Laughter reigned supreme in the Grassi household. Family members, both young and old have gathered around the very short table - if you compare it to the amount of people - to share the usual monthly meal.

But one person was missing. More like opting out of participation.

He wasn't socially inept but he had this nasty habit of stuttering and making a complete fool of himself whenever Scott was around, despite the fact that they've been friends for six years, so he made a note of hiding as long as he could until said person came to coax him out. But today, he had decided to push past his nerves and write a letter.

Before he could think about it.

Dear Scott,

This is not what you think it is.

Take a deep breath. Push those baby blues back in- yes, I know your eyes are bulging

Well, who am I kidding? It is exactly what you think it is. Yes. A confession.

It will be terribly cliche of me to say you changed my life the day I met you, but clichés are for a reason and you really did change my life the day I met you. Tall, sexy and smiling from ear to ear you walked towards me as asked why I liked sitting alone under the tree.

You know, I find it painfully hilarious when the whole world claims that we would make such a cute couple. Painful because that's my dream and Hilarious because why would you ever choose me - this is not a self esteem issue. I just really wonder why you'd choose me. What would I bring to the table? Certainly not my awkwardness.

You were more than a breathe of fresh air in my life after a period of unending tragedy. Even dad can testify to this. You made me - us - smile more and you became 'family.'

There are days where I wish you would look into my eyes and see what you mean to me. But since I can't make you see, I'll take ink and paper instead of the real deal.

I guess all I'm trying to say is. I love you. Like a love song baby.

God! That felt good to write!

Your well groomed healthy hair and piercing baby blues are just a part of the million reasons I love you. Throw in the way you make awkward situations seen cool and normal situations sexually charged and I start to wonder 'What might perfect mean, if not this?' Trust me, I don't know what love is, maybe I'm a fool, but every time you come around me, I want to sing for joy.

It's been eleven years since you became my best friend and eight since you became my entire world. But I understand what this letter can do to us if you don't feel the same way. It could destroy us.

Not just destroy what we have but blast it into nothingness. I wouldn't want that and will try as much as possible to hold on. Knowing you, you'll probably humor me until I can't take seeing you miserable and decide to set you free.

That's how kind and thoughtful you are. And if I were to write a list of why I fell in love with you, these reasons will be at the top of the million and one reasons.

I have kept this secret for eight years, afraid of loosing you but it pains me to be around you without ever having you. Every time I go out and see couples, I think this could be us. And every time you went on a date, I so badly wanted it to be me.

So all I ask is if this is my last night with you, hold me like I'm more than just a friend. Give me a memory I can use. Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do. I'm not asking you to have sex with me but cuddling will go a long way while we play pretend. And watch your favorite movie. I'll definitely cry and you'll hug me hard while I do.

And maybe it's selfish of me, but just a little bit of your heart is all I want. And I promise to keep it well.


With a conflicted heart, he sealed the letter with a kiss and sneaked it into his bag, knowing it would be Monday - which happened to be Valentines day - while at work before Scott would see the letter.

The imagination of Scott reading the letter, was enough Valentines day gift for him. Because just maybe he would lose Scott come Monday.

Songs used in this one shot;

➖ I love you like a love song baby - Selena Gomez (Love Song)

➖ I don't know what love is, maybe I'm a fool - Lionel Richie (I Call It Love)

➖ All I ask is if, this is my last night with you, hold me like I'm more than just a friend. Give me a memory I can use. Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do -  Adele (All I Ask)

➖ Just a little bit of your heart is all I want -  Arianna Grande (Just a Little Bit Of Your Heart

Thank you so much for reading and please please please leave a comment. Anything!!!!!!

It Pains Me So - #ScoMiche (A Letter From The Heart Fanfic Contest) Where stories live. Discover now