Revelation Part 1

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Rhapsidy Marseille

I bookmarked another job listing that seemed interesting, which brought my total find up to...

"One, only one job," I mumbled to myself since I'd scowered numerous job search engines for vacancies in the last 45 minutes.

I was on lunch break me after eating I decided to just hang around the shop since it was bitter cold outside.

I closed by laptop, as I got up to wash throw away my garbage and wash my hands before returning to the front counter.

"Thanks, do come again," I smiled to the young lady handing her her order.

"Next please," I said politely as I dropped a dime. I stopped down to get, then looked back up in surprise.

"Oh, you work here," her voice said also looking as surprised as I was.

An awkward moment took over, until I remembered I was at work.

"Uhh, what can I get for you today?" I asked softer than usual, biting on my lower lip out of feeling uncomfortable.

"I'll have a apple mocha spice, and a chai latte with soy milk with a croissant please," she stated and my heart sunk.

They're still together. I thought.

"Sure. I'll be right back," I faked a small smile as I quickly turned around to prepare her stuff.

I tried to calm my nerves as I made the chai latte. That was Cam's favorite, not to mention the soy milk since he was lactose intolerant.

I took a deep breath before turning around from the machine, placing the drinks on the counter then proceeding to get the croissant from the display.

As I leaned up to hand that to her I noticed the ring on her left hand.

"You're married," I blurted out although I didn't mean to.

She brushed a bit of hair behind her ear, as she looked down. Obviously happy at the fact she smiled, " uhh yea...few months now."

I bit my lip again as I fought back my emotions. I placed a small forced smile on my face, " you have a nice day. Thanks for choosing Petite Paris Cafe,"

She nodded quickly, most likely happy as ever to get away from the awkward situation.

I asked the next person in line to hold on, as I made my way frantically to the back.

"Naomi can you hold on for me? I need to use the restroom?" I said as I quickly passed by my coworker.

I made my way to the stall, as I placed my head in my hands for a couple of seconds. I stared up in thought, sending my hair all over the place...

 I stared up in thought, sending my hair all over the place

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