Found You

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Note: This is a short story. Really short in fact. A lot of these short stories are also posted on my DevianART account, and here's the link for this one: ;) Enjoy!



"What are you doing in the girl's bathroom?!" 

You looked surprise. I almost smile, I think half of the smile is on my face. Your eyes were streaked with tears again. You only come to the bathroom to cry.

"I'm here to find you." 

Again you looked surprised. I wonder why.

"That's not a good reason to be in here." 

It is. You are the reason why. Why I'm still here. So why is that not a good reason.

"Of course it is. Finding you is worth going to hell and back." 

You smile softly. I love your smile. I wish it was always there. The tears are still on your face, tracing the heart shape contours of your smile like ghosts.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me."

"Why not?"

Because I should be thanking you. I'm sorry I'm weak and can't say the words I long to say to you. But I'm silent, I can't say these words. I don't know why. I guess I'm afraid of what you would say.

You smile knowingly.

"Well now that you've found me, I think I'll leave."



"You don't need to cry anymore."

"Who says I was crying?"

It's obvious, the tears stinging down your face, unwiped, and the red puffiness about your eyes. You always cry when that song comes on. You usually love singing, every song, whether you knew it or not. I loved that about you. Now though, its every song but his. 

"Every time you hear that song."

"It's nothing."

But I know. I've watched you. 

"I'll sing it for you."

You look surprised. I am too. But I do. I am amazed that I can sing. I am also amazed, that no one has appeared in the girl's bathroom yet to smoke me out for being in here. 

"You don't have to cry anymore."

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