August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 7

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- Melanie POV -

Me, Laya and Keira were all in school during our free period just chilling in the gym watching the boys play basketball, and talking about prom that's coming up next week. " Keira what you gonna wear to prom? " I asked excitedly.

I'm so happy to be going to prom I just can't wait for it. " Im not going. " she said simply.

Me and Laya both hit her arms and she gave us the ' fuck y'all hit me for ' look. " Why aren't you going? I know plenty of niggas asked you to it. " Laya asked.

" Because its a waste of time and money an plus a lot of dudes did ask me but I am with August now. " she smiled at August's name.

I swear her and August have been dating for about 3 weeks and she's truly head over heels for him and its so cute. I've never really seen her this happy with any guy before so I guess August does something to her that no guy has done before cause the past three weeks Keira has been nothing but happy and I'm happy for her. I just know that if August ever hurts her I'm killing him cause Keira has been my best-friend since preschool. That's my Ride Or Die nigga right there. Laya too.

" Why don't you get him to take you. " I suggested, referring to August.

" Are you high? Do you think her bringing August here to this school period, even for just a pep rally, would be okay? " Laya said looking at me like I was crazy.

" Got a point but why not have her boyfriend take her to prom? Plus I want to see everybody face when she walks in with him. Man that shit would be priceless. " I chuckled.

" I don't know. " Keira shrugged.

" You better know. Hit August up when you get home and be like baby I want you to take me to my senior prom. " I laughed.

" You seriously need help. " Laya laughed.

" No I don't. " I pouted.

" Whatever. So who are you going to the prom with? " Keira asked me.

" I'm going with Malik. " I blushed.

" The popular Malik? The brown skin one who played on the football team, is 6'4, and is sexy as fuck? " Laya exclaimed.

" Yup. Him. He asked me this morning when I was walking to my locker. I heard he's had a crush on me since sophomore year. He's just been mad shy to ask me out. " I blushed once again.

" Looks like you got a crush on him yourself. " Keira chuckled.

" I might have a few feelings for him. " I said hiding my face in my hands.

" You know I heard he also going to Atlanta cause he got the sports scholarship. " Laya grinned.

" For real? " I asked.

" Nah I'm just fucking with you. I don't know where he going after we graduate. " Laya laughed.

" Man fuck you. " I said sticking up my middle finger at her.

" I Love You Too. " she said hugging me.

Just as Keira was about to say something some dude walked up to her. " Hi Keira my name is Daniel- "

" I know you. We went to middle school together and we had all classes together for those three years and your locker was always right next to mine. Damn I ain't seen you in a minute D. " she said.

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